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alice G
08-02-08, 17:36
hi everyone i read this once and it was the best thing i heard that described my problem exactly.

Anxiety is my companion,in many ways it was not always that way. In fact for many years we were mortal enemies set on destroying each other.
The dragon wants you to believe that he can kill you or perhaps even more frightening , that he can make you go crazy, cause you to pass out or cause you to lose control.He does this with an awesome display of feelings and terrifing involuntary thoughts. Then when the dragon has you on the run and when he has you scared out of your wits he offers you a deal "give me control of your life and i will give you peace"
What does the dragon want he wants to control your life piece by piece. He operates by blackmail he asks you for a piece of your life and in return he will give you peace. But like any blackmailer it is never enough. He will be back asking for more. he has no pity, no mercy , no honour. he wants to keep you hostage . he does not want you to roam free from behind the bars he has constructed .
The more you fear the dragon the nore he wants, the bigger he becomes. when you start to get better he becomes more desperate. he pulls his last trick he lets you go for a few weeks without trouble. he encourges you to think you have defeated him. then something happens new stresses, the dragon is back with full force, panic grows once more!!!!
If this is how you feel my friends just know this i have fought the dragon for many years sometimes he wins sometimes i win but know this i will never stop fighting him and with your help my friends i never will. i hope this helped you like it has helped me

08-02-08, 19:09
Fantastic analogy I liked it very much and it makes perfect sense.

08-02-08, 20:49
Hi Alice

I like that analogy - I'm not going to stop fighting it and hopefully one day, I will have the last word.

Jo xxxxx

alice G
09-02-08, 11:21
hi iam so glad it helped someone, somedays the fight last all day and sometimes its just for a few hours but together we will beat this. now i have other people in my army and we will only get stronger.

09-02-08, 14:01
I thought this was a post about my mother-in-law when I seen the title.

Good post, I liked it.


09-02-08, 17:05

That was completely marvellous and how descriptive of the way this damned thing gets hold of you. I think I would like to print your message to show people who have no idea how this demon gets us and "tortures" us.

Thanks you so much.x

09-02-08, 20:18
I call my anxiety my Gremlin and his name is gordon!!!


alice G
10-02-08, 12:33
dear joy as long as you beat your gremlin everyday it doesnt matter what you call it

10-02-08, 12:55
I thought this was a post about my mother-in-law when I seen the title.

Good post, I liked it.


Just had to say this put a smile on my face, thanks Jaco :winks:

Jo xxxxx