View Full Version : help asap - please!

09-02-08, 10:02
ok this fear iv had for so long but its just worrying me to the max and everyone i tell says just dont think about it which i think is the dumbest thing to say to someone with anxiety. Anyway im just so so so so so so so so so so scared that i will become phsyco sematic n think my legs dont work so they wil stop workin and i wil have to be in a wheel chair.

PLease help asap im freaking out to the max n im meant to be going out soon

love lawzy

09-02-08, 10:36
Hi,people who dont get anxiety dont really understand how we feel.You need to keep occupied so you can focus on something else.Your legs wont stop working sweety.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

09-02-08, 10:40
I have this fear of my legs not working too...I even got it at work the other day, thinking if I stood up from my desk I'd fall to the floor. I have the fear of one of my legs not working right now actually...to the extent that I have to sort of kick it out or move my foot to prove it still works.x

09-02-08, 10:47
thanks guys,
that helped knowing that im not the only one.

09-02-08, 13:15
Hi Lawzy,

It's good to see you hear again.
Anxiety becomes a vicous cycle for us:-

Stress leads us to Anxiety which leads us to Anxious Thoughts(producing physical symptoms of anxiety) which leads us to Physical Symptoms(producing more anxious thoughts)which leads to Anxiety which leads to .......

In order to break free,we have to change our thinking patterns.
Have you tried using some of Nic's little mantras from the Anxiety section in the main menu?
Your focus must be on distracting yourself when struck by these thoughts-break the pattern.
You can do this.It is hard and mentally demanding at first but it does work.
Best wishes,