View Full Version : Hopes and aspirations

09-02-08, 16:24
What were/are our hopes and aspirations for life?.

When I was in my 20's I had a different take on things, now, 30 years on (:ohmy: ) there is time to look back and reflect.

Some dreams linger, some are long gone and out of reach.

Enthusiasm and optimism must prevail I think:rolleyes:

09-02-08, 23:20
Hmmm....I think I had a simple aspiration. Meet a loving caring woman, settle down and live a life like my parents but as you say, Some dreams linger, some are long gone and out of reach.

Enthusiasm and optimism must prevail I think.......... I'll say no more I think.:unsure:

10-02-08, 02:43
Can a lady butt in here? My dream is to get to Ikea !

Pink Princess
10-02-08, 02:48
lol sagey, you will get there!

i want to get my own place and get better to finally get my business up and running. keep hoping though eh.


10-02-08, 11:00
Sagey - dont go to Ikea, you will never be able to get out!!

My aspiration is "be happy and content within myself" I think. That and I want to be successful as a composer, but not sure which one is more likely to happen!

Jo xxxxx

10-02-08, 11:41
Sagey beware of Ikea, it's addictive- and they sell food so you could easily live inside forever!

I'm 20 and my career aspirations are constantly gravitating somewhere between Speech Therapy, Writing and Nannying. There are however, two dreams that remains the same- have a family and get rid of anxiety!


Hope 2
10-02-08, 23:42
Hi Everyone :D

I am 35 and a bit 'stuck' in life .
The things that once did matter, don't really now.
The one thing I have always dreamt for and still do, is to find 'inner' Peace .
What will give me that and how I can find it, I have no idea !
My motto .........Never Say Never ........

Who knows.........:shrug:

Hope x x

11-02-08, 04:44
Hi Hope2, I know where you are coming from.
I get very unsettled at times, I try to shake it off, but some days it won't go away.

It's a bit Shirley Valentine, "Hello Wall" ...... do you know what I mean?:unsure:

re. Ikea .... does life come flat packed with missing pieces?

11-02-08, 16:39
I would like to wake up in the morning and think "I do not know what is going to happen in the future but whatever happens i will deal with it" and feel calm and relaxed in that thought.

Not likely to happen for a while though with uni and a baby coming up in the next 8 months!! :O

Hope 2
11-02-08, 23:47
Hiya Dave777

I DO know wot u mean yes .
Don't know wots wrong with me .
Am itchin in my own skin (not literally) .
Should I have grown up by now and not be after doing a Shirley V .
Mind u that waiter is a bit greasy for my taste .

Take it easy
Hope x x

12-02-08, 00:45
May we never let the things we can't have, or don't have, or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. As we value our happiness let us not forget it, for one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be happy without the things we cannot or should not have.
Richard L. Evans

When I face the 'Wall' sometimes, and can only see chips and egg - I bring to mind the above quotation that determines who I am, and I realise that it is in accepting what I am that enables me occasionally to eat chips, egg and steak.

Yep, I feel I could just 'jump out of myself' sometimes Hope - but then I think of that greasy waiter, and am happy to stay just where I am lol!!:unsure:

Don't worry, we all do a 'Shirley Valentine' sometimes:blush: - and that's because we're grown-ups, not because we're not!

big hugs for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
