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View Full Version : new on Propranolol

09-02-08, 19:50
Hi, I have just started on 40mg Propranolol once a day, alongside Ciatalopram. Doc prescribed them as I was having breathing problems e.g. hyperventilating as a habit. The problem is, I am feeling shattered off them and really struggling to do exercise. Usually swim 40 lengths no problem, but I was struggling after 15 today.
Does anyone else feel like this on them and are the side effects likely to go eventually?
Advice would be appreciated!

13-02-08, 14:24
I've been on them for about 3 or 4 weeks and don't really have the same get up and go to do exercise like I usually do...no serious side effects though.
My doctor said just do what you normally do activity / exercise wise and you should be OK, but whether it's just me being too cautious, I don't want to push myself with exercise whilst on the tablets as they slow the heart rate down quite a bit.

13-02-08, 14:38
hi tony,

i've been on propranolol for what seems like an eternity. i couldnt really tell u about the side effects because i can never distinguish between side effects and anxiety symptoms.

I can definately relate to the tiredness tho, i very rarely have the urge to exercise, im having to push myself into just walking at the moment, i've got so used to driving everywhere that my legs just dont feel up to walking far anymore. fingers crossed tho u wont experience side effects.

Keep your chin up tony, ur not alone mate.

14-02-08, 17:15
Would you say that the positive effects of Propanolol outweigh those of the negative? Do you feel that they really do reduce your anxieties? Ive been recommended this medication by a friend, have never stuck with any meds for my anxiety longer than a week or so due to some hellish side effects. Feeling a little tired or unmotivated I might be able to put up with if the medication can actually help keep you more calm in moments of stress.

Also, can anyone confirm if there are any side effects amongst these...

Mood swings
Loss of sleep
Loss of appetite

Had these with my previous meds and they made me feel worse overall than before I had started them.

LMK, cheers :)