View Full Version : anyone doing EFT

09-02-08, 23:02
I find EFT is helping me so much eventhough I only have the basic recipe of it.Has anyone read any book by Donna Eden or Silvia Hartmann on it?

Bet x

10-02-08, 20:45
Hi Bet
I have been practising EFT too and I have found it has been helping me too.
I read about it in a book by Paul Mckenna and I only know the basics of it too.
love Mags xxx

10-02-08, 23:06
Hi mags,

I'm delighted EFT is helping you also.I find I tap on something and other stuffl
comes up.I have some of Paul Mc Kennas books.

I cant seem to get in to them at the moment anyway.There are cds with them.

He asks you to remember a time when you felt confident

difficult for me

I think that is part of NLP.I went for a few sessions of NLP and it didnt do anything for me at that time anyway.


11-02-08, 18:21
Hi Bet,

so glad your sticking too EFT and other Energy therapies.

Take care


11-02-08, 18:28
I did a one day course of EFT and used it to help me go through 2 concerts in a huge hot theatre hall - always a panic situation for me as I feel trapped and hot and panicky. I find it lowers the anxiety so it is in the background. Amazing huh!!
Wenjoy x

08-04-08, 23:16
hi, I've been doing EFT with a therapist for a few weeks (combined with CBT) and I've seen a huge improvement with my OCD. I do it on the phone, I was a bit doubtful that phone therapy would work but it's brilliant. :)
Also, my therapist gave me info on how to get free stuff on EFT, go to www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com) and you can download loads for free.
love from Winniethewitch

08-04-08, 23:48
A hypnotherapist tried to get me to do EFT, but I couldn't get into it. I had to say something like, "I unconditionally love and accept myself" while I did the tapping, but I hated saying that. Also, I found it hard to believe that just tapping bits of my face could cure my anxiety, and my guess is that if you don't believe in it, it doesn't work:\

09-04-08, 20:19
I have an EFT routine which I find useful just before I go into a situation where I expect to feel uncomfortable.It seems to diffuse the fear.I also use the routine immediately before going to bed and am sleeping better.
Hope it helps
All the best

09-04-08, 22:11
A hypnotherapist tried to get me to do EFT, but I couldn't get into it. I had to say something like, "I unconditionally love and accept myself" while I did the tapping, but I hated saying that. Also, I found it hard to believe that just tapping bits of my face could cure my anxiety, and my guess is that if you don't believe in it, it doesn't work:\

Hi Fancis. It's not necessary for you to believe that it will work for it to
actually work.

If you are uncomfortable with that phrase, perhaps try it without. After all,
TFT works (it is what paul mckenna does), and TFT is just EFT without the
phrases or words.

Give it a fair crack.

10-04-08, 17:43
the best site to download buckets of free info is

www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com)

there is also a forum to get additional help and advice

12-05-08, 14:48
You dont have to use a phrase you are uncomfortable with my therapist says anything which is relevent to yourself is what actually works!