View Full Version : feeling ill

10-03-05, 10:50
hi everyone
i need some reasurrence please, ive got some sort of nasty throat infection, i was laid up all day yesterday with it, iwas aching felt weak and shivery, went to bed last night and god wasnt i sweating, my throat feels like sand paper, this morning when i got up i thought i was going to passout or something, also i had a bout of going really hot and feeling sick, i still dont feel right, the feelings come and go its vile can throat infections really make you feel this ill
luv sue:(

10-03-05, 10:54
Hi Sue

Yes throat infections can make you feel as ill as you described. So please dont worry that it is anything else.

You might need antibiotics to clear it up so try and get an emergency appointment at your doctors, then you also have their reassurance aswell.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

10-03-05, 11:03
thanks sal
i did speak to a doc yesterday, on the telephone, he left me a perscription for anti biotics which i have been taking since yesterday afternoon, it dosent seem like there working though, unless its them whats causing the faint feelings and upset tummy
luv sue

10-03-05, 11:58
Hi Sue

They will take a few days to get into your system before they really kick. Often when on antibiotics it can cause an upset stomach.

Hope they start working soon and you start to feel much better.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

10-03-05, 19:17
Hi Sue
I was on antibiotics the other week and they took over 3 days to kick in properly. Hang on in there they'll soon work and you'll be feeling tons better.
Take care

10-03-05, 19:30

Anti-biotics take 2-3 days to kick in and they always make me feel worse so it may be that.

Hope the throat gets better soon. Drink lots of water to ease it.


11-03-05, 09:45
Hi Sue
I hope you are starting to feel a little better today.
I was on anti-b's before xmas and they made me very ill, I was on strong painkillers too so I think it was a mixture of both, I was laid up for a couple of days feeling very sick.
I'm sure you will start to see some improvement soon, they can take a couple of days to kick in.

11-03-05, 10:44
hi thanks for your replys guys,
i still feel naff my throat isnt quite as sore but my glands are really sore on the outside to the touch, and this morning i feel sick and funny like yesterday, its horrible. over the past few nights ive been waking up at 4 am , i havent been hyperventilating but my breathing has not been right again to the extent of me not being able to get back to sleep, is it me, or because im not well, or is it something else do you think [?]
luv sue

11-03-05, 10:57
Hi Sue

Don't think we have spoken before - nice to meet you[^]

I think it is partly you partly the illness. You know you feel rubbish so you go to sleep with those negative vibes going on and around dawn time your mind is waking up with the thoughts of doom that you went to sleep with. Not at all un-common!!!!

Maybe if you try to go to bed with some warm happy thoughts, have a lovely bath, get snuggled into bed with a hot chocolate and re-affirm what you really know to be true:

I only feel this bad because I am ill - It will be lovely to start feeling better - although I feel ill this is relaxing etc.

Don't forget that when you wake in the night you are usually only partly concious so instead of thinking my breathing is not right try thinking OK i'm awake I will do some breathing to get me back to sleep. Then maybe just count for a little while, breathe in for 4 seconds then out for four seconds, clear your mind of every other though - just the counting...it always bores me back into slumber.

You will start feeling better soon hunny - just hang on in there[^]


11-03-05, 11:10
hi angie nice to meet u to
thanks for your reply, do you know if throat infections can make you feel sick and an upset tummy, also i keep feeling funny aswell is that to do with the infection its worse in the mornings and on a night
luv sue:(

11-03-05, 11:18
Sue - throat infections are really nasty things. Before I had my tonsills out (in adulthood) I had them about five times a year.

I always felt sick as a dog with mine which I then found out was due to the fact that I always had a temperature with it, (did not think of that at the time...doh!) Also a lot of people (me included) always feel rough on antibiotics, I always got an upset tummy. The antibiotics can do things to your stomach linings which is why some babies after antibiotics struggle to put weight on properly.

Now my doctor won't give me antibiaotics at all. So if I get and ear or throat infection now I just wait for it to sort itself out. My doctor made me laugh about a year ago when I had a raging throat infection he said -" Angie with antibiotics in will take two weeks before you start to feel better, without them...a fortnight!!!!!"

If I were you I would keep going with the course now - I promise you though you are just describing common symptoms and nothing to worry about:D

11-03-05, 12:11
thanks angie
ill try not to get stressed out by it, but its really hard,spoeak to you again
luv sue[:I]

11-03-05, 12:22
hi hope your feeling a bit better today

fan x