View Full Version : Amazed to see these symptoms!

Charlie Girl
10-02-08, 01:05
Hi, I'm new. Just introduced myself on the introduction forum page with the heading "Danger, long story....." if anyone's interested.

This website is fantastic. I've never read such down to earth, no-nonsense, helpful stuff about anxiety/panic/depression anywhere else. I'm like a dog with two tails, I don't know where to start reading or which subject to post under! Just about EVERYTHING I read is relevant.

I read the 'Symptoms' page with great interest and was amazed to see several symptoms which I get but which I had never heard associated with anxiety, so assumed it was just barmy old me.

METALLIC TASTE - All the time! Anyone else here?

MIND CHATTER - Every waking second! Anyone else here?

This is the one I was really amazed to see....... SONG GOING ROUND IN HEAD - Every waking second too! Sometimes I even have the tune from my mobile going round and round in my head all day, it drives me crazy! Anyone else here?

I'm posting this message under 'symptoms' too, I'd love to hear from anyone else who gets any of these. xx