View Full Version : Amazed to see these symptoms!

Charlie Girl
10-02-08, 03:07
Hi, I'm new. Just introduced myself on the introduction forum page with the heading "Danger, long story....." if anyone's interested.

This website is fantastic. I've never read such down to earth, no-nonsense, helpful stuff about anxiety/panic/depression anywhere else. I'm like a dog with two tails, I don't know where to start reading or which subject to post under! Just about EVERYTHING I read is relevant.

I read the 'Symptoms' page with great interest and was amazed to see several symptoms which I get but which I had never heard associated with anxiety, so assumed it was just barmy old me.

METALLIC TASTE - All the time! Anyone else here?

MIND CHATTER - Every waking second! Anyone else here?

This is the one I was really amazed to see....... SONG GOING ROUND IN HEAD - Every waking second too! Sometimes I even have the tune from my mobile going round and round in my head all day, it drives me crazy! Anyone else here?

I'm posting this message under 'symptoms' too, I'd love to hear from anyone else who gets any of these. xx

10-02-08, 10:21
Hey Charlie

Yes I get the mind chatter and song going round in my head. Bizarre and very very annoying!!

You're so not alone in this. I am so grateful to have NMP and the friends I have made are invaluable to me.

Keep posting Charlie, even if you feel the post might be a bit random or left-field because there will ALWAYS be people here who can relate :)

Jo xxxxx

Kim Baker
10-02-08, 23:00
Hi! Charlie,
I get Mind Chatter - my most annoying habit is I will have a line of a Song in my head and i rack my brains to remember which Song it comes from - it does my head in!!! - once this line went on for a whole year - very frustrating:ohmy:

It is very commom - don't worry.....

Kim X

11-02-08, 01:18
Hi Charlie, I used to get the mind chatter all the time. In my experience if you want to get better CBT is the way to go. We used the book by Sam Obitz in my group and the TEA form exercise in it is really good once you get the hang of it at getting rid of the mind chatter and anxiety that comes with it.

buzzing bees
13-02-08, 22:30
theres sum of my simtons,, but the werst 1, most nights i keep thinking of things thats hapend ,on that day or in past few weeks sum times i think o, just turn over , may be thatl, wil help but, no ,
i use to love aving my c,ds on
but then a song goes on and on,, i thought it was just me ,,,,,,,,,,:roflmao::scared10:take care ime off to try n,, get some sleep,, soon chat soon

13-02-08, 22:32
Charlie - glad you are finding the site of help and realising you are not alone