View Full Version : Please help need some urgent advice

10-02-08, 10:53
A couple of days ago i had a very bad sore throat, it's not sore now but the thing is i feel like i have a golf ball in stuck in my throat, it's a little difficult to swallow and it feels like it is affecting my breathing, I'm not sure whether it is something like phlegm or whether anxiety can cause this.

I'm feeling really bad, also i am feeling dizzy and like i am abit breathless.

Any advice or help would be much appreciated.

10-02-08, 10:57
Hi Yorkshireguy

It sounds like symptoms of anxiety to me, have you got anything you can do to take your mind off it? A hobby/interest?

Or maybe you could do some deep-breathing exercises as this will help relax you.

Jo xxxxx

10-02-08, 13:42
When im anxious get a feeling like i cant swallow properly and its like a big gulp feeling in my throat. I even had a barium swallow (they take x rays as you swallow a liquid and watch it go down)cos i was convinced there was something in my throat causing it but there was nothing there. I now know its the anxiety and it comes and goes. I just ignore it now when it happens and it will suddenly go. I also get tight chested sometimes like i cant get a proper breath.
Hope that reassures you.

10-02-08, 15:08
Hi YorkshireGuy

Not sure if you have read the Symptoms and Common Problem section of the forum theres quite a bit of information regarding Throat problems due to anxiety there too that may also reassure you.:hugs: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms


10-02-08, 18:52
Well i went to the hospital today and i have tonsillitis, the thing is this choking sensation is getting worse and worse, it's getting to the point now where it feels like i am going to choke to death.

I still think that something is there, however i've tried drinking loads of water, eating dry bread, also tried coughing it up, i've had a bit of a cough recently and brought up some phlegm so i thought that maybe some phlegm might be stuck but i cannot get anything up no matter how hard i try.

For the past few days i have had a very bad sore throat now i know that's it's due to tonsillitis and the nurse said that i may have a swollen gland in my throat, the thing is can tonsillitis really make you feel like you are choking on something and cannot clear it? maybe someone on here has had it before.

I've had anxiety for a few years now and i've never had this symptom before.

10-02-08, 19:10
I was wondering whether i would be allowed to post a pic on here of my tonsils just to see what people think.

10-02-08, 19:11
hi - i have got a throat infection at moment and feel like you are feeling too. it is quite normal so try not to focus on it as it amplifies the sensations. xx

Kim Baker
10-02-08, 20:44
Hi! yorkshireguy, I have had Tonsilitis many times and it is "The Pits!"
Not only have you a Throat Infection but it affects your Glands, making you feel very Poorly.

I recomend "Tyrozets" from the Chemist - these Lozenges will calm your Throat Pain and are pleasant tasting:)

Drink plenty of water and take some Vitamin C.

You should feel better in a few days.....

Try not to worry,

Kim X:hugs:

10-02-08, 21:07
Hi! yorkshireguy, I have had Tonsilitis many times and it is "The Pits!"
Not only have you a Throat Infection but it affects your Glands, making you feel very Poorly.

I recomend "Tyrozets" from the Chemist - these Lozenges will calm your Throat Pain and are pleasant tasting:)

Drink plenty of water and take some Vitamin C.

You should feel better in a few days.....

Try not to worry,

Kim X:hugs:

Thanks for the reply Kim :D

The only thing that is really troubling me and cauding me problems is this choking feeling, thing is i've tried eating dried bread etc to get rid of it, if there was something stuck there then surely that bread would not have gone down my throat, am i right?

I'm sucking on lockets, gargling warm salt water, drinking orange juice and also i've taken the penicillin tablets and some paracetamol to try and do something about it.

What do you think of this guys? http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg195/STFC_1879/10022008049.jpg

Hope 2
10-02-08, 21:29
Hi Yorkshireguy

Sorry to hear you are unwell and anxious xx

Just to agree with what others have said, the symptoms you describe are quite normal for the condition you have . The choking feeling you describe is quite common with tonsillitis , kinda like an obstruction is present . This is usually due to swelling of the mucous membranes in your throat cos of the infection . This is your body's way of reacting to the bacteria . Perhaprs nhs direct may be able to offer you some further reassurance if you are really unable to cope xx

Ibuprofen (if you are ok to take) , is really effective at reducing swelling in such infections as you have and at the same time help with the discomfort . Eating and drinking as normally as possible keeps your throat 'active' which will help and keep your energy levels up in order for your system to fight the infection more quickly. Warm water with salt dissolved in and then gargled can help with the residue throat infection can leave behind .

Physical symptoms can feel worse cos you are anxious as I am sure you know, we all are anxious about something aren't we . So try to take care and relax a little xx

You are sure to feel better in the next couple of days , keep us informed !

Hope x x