View Full Version : Anyone else get this?

10-03-05, 12:04
I'mstruggling guys

I can't get out of bed as I'm so exhausted each morning.

Just now I had an appraisal with my boss and it was very laid back but the minute I got in there I felt like I was moving. Then I got sudden feelings of immense pressure on the top of my head and whole body. Like I was being pushed down into the ground by a huge weight. I still have it and keep feeling like my heart suddenly stops and I feel like I'm blacking out (and that's sitting down). I went red hot and notice my chest and face were a flushed when I came out.

Now I know common sense says this is anxiety. We were talking about my career and how I can expand my prospects. Iasked to increase my hours to full time this week (still having fridays off) Then moved onto a general discussion about how I was. How ridiculous, I was sitting there saying I was dealing with thing better when I felt like I was dying on the spot. I could hardly hold a conversation. Then we got onto wedding plans and I just wanted to get out of there.

I know the symptoms sound like ones of anxiety but they don't feel like the usual ones. I know that makes no sense but it's just I can't find the words to describe them in any other way.

Now, nearly 45 minutes later, I still feel much the same my head is really painful all over and my body still has the pressure feeling and like I'm fading out, every so often and I'm so bad

The attacks have been getting worse and worse, last week, I had several whilst out shopping with my mum for wedding stuff, one in Tesco on Sat and another one in the evening as I got ready to go out. They are ones that I can't control at all. How can you do positive self talk when you're talking to someone else? And when I do it nothing seems to help. Also they come on when I'm just at home doing nothing, so it's not always places that trigger them. And I'd gotten over being worried about going anywhere.

I know realistically with the wedding coming up I must be stressed but I'm getting the what ifs, I am ill, as it's so bad and different to the feelings I used to get.

Sometimes I just wish I could put someone else in my body for a few minutes, just so they know how I feel. If I can't control them then how will I stop myself feeling like this on my wedding day or any other day come to that matter.

I feel like a broken record but I just need telling that all these symptoms aren't those of something terrible. I'm having a totally irrational moment, where it's all just too much.


10-03-05, 12:20
hi jules

Hope you are feeling ok. I too feel like a zombie when i get out of bed and pretty much all day long, in fact i could go to be right now so i know how that feels.

I am sure your attacks are getting worse with the anxiety of the wedding and even though you mighn't feel like that outwardly, your subcounscious may be feeling entirely different.

Can you go and have a nice relaxing bath with some soothing music on maybe? I don't know what else to say but i hope it may have helped a little

Rach xx

10-03-05, 12:25
Jules hunny

You are doing so well, you actually made it through the appraisal - and are still planning for your future.

I had a similer sympton to yours yesterday, I was sitiing on the sofa with the laptop on my lap when suddenly I felt that someone was holding me down. Amazingly tight accross, back shoulders, head and chest. It was a new symptom for me and did make me freak but over a few hours it did wear off - so I guess I will be ready for that one next time.

Have you thought about a small holiday, maybe some time out to re-evaluate everthing going on might help.

Take care for now...Angie

10-03-05, 13:07
Hi Jules

It will be all anxiety related hon, you have a lot going on in your life and preparing to get married is one of the most stressful situations you can come across.

Just remeber you will be fine and you approaching one of the happiest days of you life.

Sorry couldnt be of much more help.

Take care.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

10-03-05, 13:32
Hi Jules,

Have you been reading my mind?

That fading away feeling is horrid.

I was walking around Tesco with my hubby just yesterday saying (OUT LOUD), its just a shop. Dont worry, its Just A SHOP. Everyone was looking. My hubby, who knows Im sane and this is how I cope, found it quite amusing. Talking to myself in my head doesnt work coz I dont feel real. So I say it out loud. I dont care what people think, so long as it helps me.

The wedding nerves are probably whats causing it, along with the anxiety of how your gonna cope on the day with the panics.
When I get spaced out, I tell myself, again usually out loud, that its my brains way of saying enough is enough and trying to shut out the anxiety. Unfortunately this shuts off other perceptions too.

Hope this helps you

Jude x

10-03-05, 13:41
Hi Jules

I think many of us get some feelings like this; though they vary in intensity and duration they sound very similar.. I get the pressure on my head, the burning feeling (almost like a hot water bottle on my stomach & chest sometimes) and the 'not quite there/not connected with the world' sensation too. It's hard to articulate (like so many of the weird feelings we get) but it sounds very much like what you're experiencing too, so don't worry too much.. I also get that heart stopping feeling, in fact, that presaged my first PA - I thought it *had* stopped!!

Like everyone says, you're doing well to have coped with everything as you have and it's probably a combination of pressures which are manifesting themselves as anxiety/panic symptoms.. You'll get through it, hang on in there


10-03-05, 17:12
*but the minute I got in there*

You know Jules that if it were something else apart from anxiety it is highly unlikely it would pick this moment to appear ...

These symptoms do sound familiar from you before, which do you think is the new one ? - the moving one is one of the ones you used to get so much when I first knew you. .

You would benefit from some exercise or deep relaxation very soon ..

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

10-03-05, 19:48

Have you had a massage recently as that will really help too.

Hang in there - you will be fine on the wedding day as you will be too excited to panic.

Are you still playing a relaxation CD each day?

Hope you feel better tomorrow


10-03-05, 20:47
hi jules,
i'm sorry you've been feeling so terrible. i've had most of my panic attacks at home - i think it's because that's when i have time to think about things that really stress me out. it sounds like that's what's been happening to you too.
i really hope you have a much better day tomorrow,

14-03-05, 10:54
Hi everyone

Thanks for the support.

I'm still not feeling so good but I did manage a four mile walk yesterday and managed to relax with my friend on friday night. I also did a bit of retail therapy on friday so that was nice. The shops were so tough initally but once I got into swing of things, I suddenly thought, hey I've felt ok for the last hour so that was nice. The walk was tough as I was depersonalised and had symptoms throughout most of it. I felt like I would never make it home but of course I did.

Dave took me out for dinner yesterday too so that was good.

Nic, I'm trying to listen to Meg's relaxation CD most days but sometimes just don't get round to it. I know I'm my own worst enemy. And you're right I really could do with a massage but just never seem get round to it. Today my arms and shoulders feel like lead. Maybe I can fit one in during the next couple of weeks. I just feel like I have so much to do at the moment that I can't get it all done.

My latest wobble will be this weekend when I'm off to Edinburgh for my hen weekend. I so hope that I can get through it all ok. My anxiety is bound to play up but I'm hoping that I won't let it win.


14-03-05, 11:01
hi your doing brilliantly keep it up.........:D

fan x

14-03-05, 14:26
Hi Jules

You're doing just fine! A wedding is such a big thing, this time last year just before I got married I felt exactly as you do and was so cross with myself for it. My day turned out totally perfect in the end and yours will too. Lots of pampering required just now for you I think - how about a relaxation massage or a day at a spa? You need a little time just for you.

Try not to worry too much about your hen weekend - take lots of rescue remedy with you and perhaps tell a couple of your mates how you're feeling; sure they'll keep an eye out for you and be supportive if you need them.

Love Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

16-03-05, 10:55
You're right Jo, my friends will look after me but I just wish I didnt' feel like this.

I'm feeling worse than ever. For the last few days, I've had so much pain in my head that I don't know what to do. It's like an immense weight on the top of it and around my forehead. It hurts to touch, so I',m guessing it's muscular but I have sudden shooting pains too and feelings like my head is being injected with hot liquid. Put that together, with neck ache, back ache, dizziness and weak legs and I feel just great. Oh yeah and the strange feeling like I'm being pulled into the floor, my body is so heavy.Last night I slept for 10 hours but still feel shattered. My back is burning now

I have no time for relaxation at the moment and I know that the weekend should be that, but I'm jsut seeing it as achore right now.


16-03-05, 13:43
Wow Jules - progress

*I',m guessing it's muscular * You're so right but not long ago you;'d have been getting MRI's scheduled etc. Well done for keeping it in perspective.

I think you really do hold all your tension in your body and its lets you know that its on red alert.
Please Jules when you get back - go and get a set of 3 massages booked. You are going to really need them leading up into these last few weeks ..

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance