View Full Version : Is it a sign???

11-02-08, 08:26
G'day all.

Since I found that I had Health Anxiety (mainly about my heart) every where I look and hear there seems to be something about heart attack/stroke. I was listening to the radio and on came an add about the Heart check client, I see a sign on a building "Stroke Asc. of QLD", I watch a movie and there is a man with a bad heart, I see and add for life insurance and it has a man having a heart attack in front of his family, A lady at work, her husband just had a mild heart attack, It seems wherever I turn there is a heart attack staring at me, sometimes all I have to hear is the word heart and I start freakin out and I start to think "Is this a sign". GRRRRR it drives me crazy sometimes. The funny thing is these things have been in front of me my whole life but up until I suffered from Panic/Anxiety I havn't noticed them.

Has anybody else noticed this?


11-02-08, 09:14
Hi Greg. I understand what you are saying here as I am the same. I think because we are thinking about it we become more aware of it.

11-02-08, 09:22
G,day Sport

When I was 30 this all started with me, I was obbessed with health anxiety and the heart. I would be dying to know (literally) what killed anyone I read about in the local paper who was around my age.

I used to go into a panic if someone in their 30's had a heart attack, and I would constantly dwell on the though that "God, I bet they had health anxiety like me and it was all too much!!!!!"

I got checked out with an ECG and was fine, but through my 30's I was spending my days worrying about my heart and taking me BP.

I am 40 now, and thanks to regualr trips t othe gym and reading Claire Weekes books (cover to cover) I have manged in the last 3 to 4 years to come to terms with the anxiety so that now, even reading about heart attacks only causes the slightest of flinches.

Statistically chap, you are too young just to have a heart attack. Pop to the docs, get yourself checked of for total re-assurance, and keep yourself active.

The heart is just a muscle, and like all mucles, give it a good regualr workout and it will get stronger.

Good Luck
