View Full Version : I'm still worrying about my lump/Cyst

11-02-08, 09:14
If any of you remember, 2 weeks ago I went and had a mammogram and ultrasound carried out on a lump in my breast. Well mammogram was clear and as far as I'm aware, the ultrasound was ok, however I haven't heard anything back :huh:

I'm due back to the see the consultant in a month for a follow up. I have just called his secretary who was lovely and had my results there and said that everything is absolutely fine and the lump is either a cyst or fibroadenoma. I asked if the radiologist scans the whole area and she said that yes, the whole breast would've been scanned but part of me is worrying that they've missed the lump that I can feel. Does this make sense????

Do they scan the whole area and not just the area of concern?

She also said that I could bring forward my appointment too if it would help to talk to the consultant rather than wait, plus they could remove the lump if it was going to bother me - for example I keep checking it's there!

11-02-08, 09:26
Jenny I've just been through the exact same thing (see my thread). I too found a lump that turned out to be a cyst and infact they found another one or two too. I had mine drained and then went on to have a mammogram which was all clear.

The mammogram would have shown any problems love so try not to worry anymore.

I was told by the specialist to only check my boobs once a month the first week after a period as before then our boobs are extra lumpy. I intend to do this from now on and get used to exactly what is normal for me. I also read in the leaflet I was given that even if they drain a cyst in a third of cases they refill - I want to remember that so I don't get worried if I feel it again.

I guess if we are prone to cysts then obviously it can be abit stressful checking our boobs but the more we get used to it hun hopefully that stress will calm down.

Totally understand how you're feeling. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-02-08, 10:46
I've had cysts drained on two separate occasions. And yes both the mammogram and ultrasound would have picked up lumps.

The advise piglet has given is spot on. Just before my period both my breasts are very lumpy but I now know to wait for a week to recheck and the 'lumps' have gone. I also find that if I'm checking too often my breasts get very sore which then makes me worry over that.

From the results you've had it does sound as if there's nothing to worry about - but having been there, twice, I know that's easy to say but not to do!!:unsure:


11-02-08, 12:24
and dont forget some people can be lumpy all month round , when i went to them they said that for some women over the age of 30 they can for some strange reason get lumpy all month round and to eat grapefruit:ohmy: to help.

well i hate grapefruit so i wouldnt do that but I now use progesterone cream and it stopped all my breast lumps all together :yesyes: .

13-02-08, 10:11
thanks guys :hugs: feeling a bit calmer today.

the consultant recommended I take evening primrose oil but the high dosage recommend to start with upsets my tummy :blush: so I'm going to have to buy lower doses to start with I think. Apparently it helps the breast tissue in the "older" years to come :)