View Full Version : weird heart things

11-02-08, 22:10
hi im new on here,need some help plz.for the past 3 days iv been havin these weird heart things,i dnt really no how to explain them but its like i can feel 1 little heart beat harder than all the others and this keeps happening every few mins or so ,i also hav an upset tummy lots ov wind n like burning near my breastbone...does anybody no wat these things r and if they r normal.i had alot ov panic and anxiety 2 yrs ago but i overcome it,however this christmas my grandad had a massive heart attack and died,cud this have started the anxiety again.thanks xx:weep:

12-02-08, 00:11
Sounds like palpitations brought on by stress and since your grandfather died of a HA, anxiety/panic will cling to what you fear (having heart problems) and will make you feel as if there is something wrong.
Both of my maternal grandparents died from heart attack. I tend to have a lot of heart symptoms i think probably for that reason. Fear of having it myself.
The burning sounds like indigestion.


12-02-08, 01:01
G'day Hannax

Sorry to hear of your loss.It does sound like palps, I get them when I'm stressed and sometimes when I am just relaxing I seen my Dr last night and she said they are perfectly fine although they still scare the crap out of me. I know all I have to hear is the word heart and I start freakin out. I also get the burning in the chest which comes up to my throat which my Dr said is indigestion and may be caused from my weight.

All the best


12-02-08, 01:46
i thought palps were wen u cud constantly feel ur heart beatin hard this is just like lite thuds,but thank u ne way xx

tayside lassie
12-02-08, 09:37
hiya ,the little heart thuds that you mention are ectopic heartbeats ,it happens when the heart takes two beats instead one and the thud you mention is the heart emptying out the blood . nine times out ten they are harmless and if youre holding a lot of wind /acid this can cause the thuds as well ,as you said palpatations is when you feel your heart beating to fast .
get it checked out for your own peace of mind pointless worrying yourself
and although everyone gets them better to get doctor check them.


12-02-08, 10:43
Hi there Hannax
I get those heart beats too and have been checked by doctors and the hospital had an ecg and everything came back fine, its all to dowith panic and anxiety etc also get the burning and pain between breast bone do you find if you belch it goes away?? I have got some tablets for that mine is due to acid reflux and i dont worry about that anymore and only take the tablets if its really bad or doesnt go away also i find certain foods will set it off. If youre worried do checked by your doctor but im sure you will be fine.Im so sorry about the loss of your grandfather too .Feel free to pm me anytime ive just lost 3 family members in just over 3 months so know what youre going through. Take care
Anne xx

Rachey poos
12-02-08, 18:06
I get the same ...if i take my pulse it misses a beat while this is happening....horrid and scarey.. ihave episodes when i get one after the other... x:blush:

13-02-08, 14:19
ive been having them for years and though i dont like them and wish i didnt get them they are HARMLESS, they are missed heart beats, many many people have them and they are not life threatening, the more you think about them the more you'll notice them, ive had loads and loads of tests done at my own request just to put my mind at ease and i now believe after many years that they WILL NOT KILL ME, or you. but nasty i know so you have my sympathy

14-02-08, 13:06
Sorry to hear about the loss of your Grandad. I am sure that is what has started your panic off again. It sounds like you have ectopic heartbeats which are common in anxiety sufferers. These are more like a thud or a flutter, when you become aware that your heart is not beating in the normal rhythm. It can be quite startling and can often make me have to stop and catch my breath.

If you are at all worried though I would make an appointment to see your doctor.

15-02-08, 16:23
I used to get palps in stressful situations in work and the first time it happens can be quite scary. I used to work in a cardiology (heart) department in a hospital in Liverpool and we used to get thousands of patients who - like yourself - were worried about their heart missing a beat / having palps, but most of the time things would turn out fine. As you say, stressful situations can trigger these off...we had a 17 year old girl in once who was having a normal beat, ectopic beat, normal beat, ectopic beat off and on for ages in A&E and she was in the middle of exams and really stressed out which was causing them to occur.
The only advice I could ever give is to cut out any drinks like cheap fizzy pop and don't drink lots of coffee etc, and just try to relax, concentrate on your breathing (in for 7 seconds, out for 10-11 seconds) and try to stay focused on having a positive outlook.