View Full Version : very, very weird

12-02-08, 08:35
Hello Everyone,

So I will try and describe this the best I can. I have always suffered from stress and panic attacks anxiety, irrational thoughts etc, I noticed over the past few days that I seem to have a flutter in the top of my chest/bottom of throat not really a flutter as such, it's like whn you hold your breath for a while you will become aware of your pulse beating in your head, throat, chest and belly, well its like that but just for few seconds until I cough to get rid of it, it's not always there just comes and go's. I noticed that it came more wehn I was told something I didn't like but I also noticed that it appears whenever for no reason, today I wasnt thinking about it trying to ignore it and it seemed to lesson.

My question is is this just a symptom of worry stress anxiety and im focusing on it to much so making it worse for myself?

History: Chiropractic treatment, corrected my chest bone.
getting married abroad so lot of paper work and visa stress/worry.
new job starting in week.
living in foreign country.

Also my fiance is a nurse and she checked my blood pressure=perfect my temp=perfect, my pulse rate=perfect so I'm guessing this is a delayed reaction to my stress and worry.

My final question is this, after the stressful event does it last for a while afterwards? so when you feel okay and all of a sudden you get these feelings again is that normal, best advice to try and ignore and eventually it will go away or you will learn how to deal with it.

Have I answered my own question? hahahahahha

Any help/advice is appreciated :)

12-02-08, 09:53
Yes I think you have, just ignore it and it will go. I am sure it is nothing bad as you have been checked. How great is that having a nurse on hand, lucky!!
:yesyes: Good luck with the wedding

12-02-08, 10:18
Thank you :D

Yes it is very handy having a nurse to hand :yesyes: also she works in nerology dept so deals with the brain so she is very understanding. Thank you for your reply.

Best Wishes.
