View Full Version : power of the mind

12-02-08, 10:16
does anybody fear it?
coz i do...extremely like sometimes i just want a dumb brain so i dont think of anything. i was just watching derren brown on youtube and he was able to make this girl think who worst fear was coming for her...and she started to cry and was like wow the power of the mind is so incredible bla bla.

I just dont want to use the power of my mind...like ever!

but then i think is it the power of the mind or is it just bcoz expected something to happen it did? like once i did a trick on a friend and told they'd feel a warm feeling and they said they did...so is it power of the mind??? or just u expecting it so u pretend to feel it???

just was wanting some other peoples opinions

take care all

12-02-08, 19:35
I have often thought that the mind is very powerful as mine can send me into a panic very easily. If only I could use it in a positive way I would be so much happier but it doesn't do what I tell it to if you see what I mean.

12-02-08, 20:44

I don't think it's people "pretending" they feel something like what you described with your friend.

I love Derren Brown by the way - his book is brilliant - do have a read.

The power of the mind is incredibly incredible lol!!!! Now we should know this sooo well because its these old minds of ours which have us doing this anx stuff.

The power of the mind is quite amazing in so many ways; Look at the placebo effect - now that's the power of the mind when someone is given a sugar pill and told it's an anti depressant and they get happy!!!!!

Faith healing is another one, in my opinion this is only the power of our own minds - having faith that someone can make us better - if you believe this "someone" can make you feel better then you do feel better. Oh it goes on and on.

Love to all xxx

12-02-08, 21:20
does anybody fear it?
coz i do...extremely like sometimes i just want a dumb brain so i dont think of anything. i was just watching derren brown on youtube and he was able to make this girl think who worst fear was coming for her...and she started to cry and was like wow the power of the mind is so incredible bla bla.

I just dont want to use the power of my mind...like ever!

but then i think is it the power of the mind or is it just bcoz expected something to happen it did? like once i did a trick on a friend and told they'd feel a warm feeling and they said they did...so is it power of the mind??? or just u expecting it so u pretend to feel it???

just was wanting some other peoples opinions

take care all

Hi Lawzy,

Don't get me started on Derren Brown - it's his fault I'm in my current mess! He knows an awful lot of stuff that can be quite dangerous in the wrong hands. I think he's a genius, but I also think he's pretty irresponsible in the way he manipulates people. He says they sign up to let him do what he likes with them, but I don't think that excuses making people nervous wrecks, however briefly.

I was so fascinated by Derren Brown that I hypnotised myself and went to an interesting but scary place, where I could make myself believe anything I wanted. Trouble is, I ended up believing a lot of stuff I didn't want to believe as well.

Derren Brown's subject, and your friend, were clearly very suggestible people. Whether anything "extra" was going on, like telepathy, I don't know. Belief on its own is an incredibly powerful thing.

On the other hand, I've benefited from meditation, which I guess is a kind of mind control. Getting into a super-relaxed state for 20 or 30 minutes every day is a pretty positive habit, and makes me that bit more resistant to negative thoughts (not as resistant as I'd like, but still).

