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View Full Version : Wouldn't mind some advice on this

Stefan P
12-02-08, 12:09
Hi all,

Must admit I don't post as often as I should, but I suffer from an anxiety disorder, and panic attacks. Add to this depersonalisation (often) and derealisation, and it all makes for an interesting life :)

The symptom I would like to discuss is due to tension I think. I often find my entire body very tense, particularly in two areas - my shoulders and my stomach area. I have to consciously think about it, and relax my shoulders all the time as I am always holding them tense (upwards). If I relax, my shoulders drop back to where they should be (I think).

That one is fun, but not as much as the other one. I am constantly tensing my stomach (or diaphram). This (I think) causes a pain in the left side of my chest, where my heart beats. The pain worries me (I smoke, so it would), but I find that if I consciously make an effort I can relax my abdomen and the pain almost immediately subsides. Trouble is I am unconsciously tensing my abdomen all the time, I have to stop and think when the pain arrives and relax.

My left shoulder is all messed up too - lot of pain there, but I think that is becuase I always always lean on my left when relaxing at home watching TV, so its probably wear and tear (I will be seeing a doctor about that).

Can anyone relate? Thanks for reading, sorry this is such a long post!

12-02-08, 12:21
Hey Stefan,

I can relate to the tensing the shoulders thing. I often catch myself "hunched up" and have to put my shoulders back down lol :)

I cant say I have noticed that I tense my stomach though, but I think both can be attributed to anxiety. Its probably to do with us being on edge and "waiting" for something to happen that triggers off our anxiety, so maybe we subconsciously tense our bodies in preparation for that moment?

Like if you're having an injection you tend to look away and tense up momentarily until the needle has gone in to prepare for the pain? I dont know if I'm making any sense?! :D

Jo xxxxx

12-02-08, 22:17
Hi Stefan
Alot of my problems i think relate to tension.I suffer with upper back pain/shoulder pain and sometimes chest tightness because of it. This led to panic attacks and anxiety and i am now on citalopram which has helped me relax alot and not be constantly 'uptight'.
Other things that have helped me are:

relaxation cd's
lying on a heat pack (wheat bag)

Hope thats of some help
Donna x