View Full Version : Skin Cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

always scared
12-02-08, 16:40
This is my last post on this . I promise http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif
I'm still freaking out about skin cancer and I'm still really freaked out about going to see the doctor.

I have this spot on my lower back/hip area (waist line where your pants and skirts rub and touch your skin).
I think I've had this spot for awhile now but I'm not sure tho. http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif I do remember it starting out as a red bump. Then it seemed to go away. but it left behind a light brown/tan spot in it's place. The bump is gone but if I rub and press my finger over the area I can still feel a lump under the skin and if I pinch the area it dimples. I also have stretch marks in this area too. (pregnancy.)

It hasn't gotten any bigger but it also hasn't gone away yet!!

Does this sound like Melanoma?????

What if this spot has been there for a very long time and I just noticed it now. It could have spread to the rest of my body now http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif This is the reason why I'm so scared to see a Dr. now. For all I know this could have been there since last year I just can't remember http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif

oh yea
I forgot to mention that I'm 41 I live in Canada I hate being in the sun. But as a teenager I did spend time it the sun in the summer and remember a few burns
I have dark hair , brown eyes. I'm of european decent.(I was born in the former Yugoslavia). And I don't really have a lot of freckles or moles.

12-02-08, 19:46
if you had advanced stages of any cancer, you would surely have some symptoms. i know it's no fun and so scary, but you should go to the doctor. they will be able to tell you exactly what it is and then you can do what you have to do. i'm sure it's nothing, but seeing a doctor would put your mind at ease.

12-02-08, 21:51
Most doctors just looking at it will know if it is "good". I would see a dermatoligist. I hope you don't have to wait to long. I live in Quebec and it takes forever to get an appointment with any specialist doctor. Then biopsy results don't get me started on that!!! I had a biopsy done on my uterus and I am in the process of waiting for the results. It takes 3 and a half weeks. Medicare might be free but it is slow!!!

I am sure you are fine. Have it checked out. It's the best thing you can do.

13-02-08, 14:14
sounds like something i have lots off. I have been getting couple of them as Ive gotten older, im 37, as my mum did and my nan and my sister, 34 has a few. I freaked out totally with a couple of them but have had them checked and doctor told me they were fine. like you them going from like a little red spot to browner colour etc freaked me out, but its normal pigmentation changes with age, my nan as i said had many as she got older, she died at age 94 and not of skin cancer, just old age!!!! so dont worry pet

19-02-08, 20:16
I know this is a week old and maybe you saw a dr and are not worried anymore but i figured i'd give my experience on this. My brother had melanoma skin cancer that spread to his bone but there was sooooo many other symptoms. First he had a mole that obviously changed, i mean changed ALOT, it was alittle smaller than the size of a pencil eraser but it wasn't a bump yet then as time went on (about a year) it got big, became a bump and got really dark brown almost black, it bled and seeped some kind of clear fluid (TMI sorry) He wouldn't get it checked cuz his wedding was comming up and he was busy:weep: 3 days after his wedding he was diagnosed with melanoma of the bone and was terminal,,,,he died 3 months later:weep: He had alot more symptoms than just the mole too. Oh and by the way, melanoma can Totally be cured if its found in time.
Sorry this was so long, just wanted to let you know there's alot more symptoms than just the spot so chances are you probably don't have melanoma but take a trip to the dermatologist and make sure:yesyes:

19-02-08, 20:23
You should always go an see a doctor about skin problems if they persist. But most lumps are just harmless lipoma's (fatty tissue), but they can be scary when you first find them.

20-02-08, 08:31

i have a recent post on here about this. im in australia, so we know a bit about this sort of thing, its hammered into us..lol...

im a little younger then you, but have had lots of spots appear over the last few years that freaked me out too.....finally got up the courage to see a skin cancer doc a few weeks ago....

ok, the only really dangerous spots to get checked asap are black...very black looking and they are quite big when dangerous and really odd shaped, or sores that just wont heal.....the black ones you need to get checked asap, the sores arnt as big a worry, but get checked anyway. what you have really doesnt sound like a worry.

i was obsessing over a few moles of mine too...couldnt remember if id had them for long or not. and im also like you, half croation-olive skin, dark hair and eyes..... i hope i havent scared you any more, i hope ive just encouraged you to go get checked, its takes like 15 mins, so quick, totally painless and awsome to do....good luck!!!!

all i can say is....go...go go..... you will feel so so much better after

24-03-08, 13:50
I have had a mole cancer, I also have these little bumps that just appeared a few years ago after a holiday they were redder to start with and more bumpy now there bot so bad but i can still see and feel them, after talking to my skin doctor she told me that you can get these when things like mosqutos(can't spell) bite you then they turn into spots that stay, and i'm sure this is when mine appeared after a bite that just did't seem to go. Have you had any bites that you can link these spots to.