View Full Version : Help needed

10-03-05, 19:16
Anyway I've weened myself off this medication 5 1/2 years later and have been off it since Christmas. I do feel that the attacks have intensified, but I know going back on cipramil won't really help and is too expensive. I do find that sedatives greatly help. But you know yourself unfortuanltely talking a sedative 2 times a day isn't the answer. I've been to a couple of counsellors - who have introduced me to many breathing and relaxation techniques. But really I know my problem runs much deeper then being stressed now and again. I don't find doctors much help. I have a lot of persecusion in my head, this can occur after having a normal conversation with someone (only a family member usually or friend) when they didn't follow the script I had in my head for them, for example. This is probably a form of OCD. I'm very shy, get confused easily, can't form relationships, can't get a job (even though I have a degree). I'm lost, I dread to think what the future holds. Please I need help and advice. I have never been properly assessed mentally and feel this may be the way. Thanks for listening any advice would be very welcomed.

10-03-05, 19:23
Hello and welcome to the forum!! You are not alone in this - we have all felt as lonely and lost as you do at some point. Things will get better for you. Stick around and I'm sure we can help you out. :D

10-03-05, 19:24
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will get lots of helpful advice

fan x

10-03-05, 19:48
Welcome to the forum.

People here are very friendly & supportive & you will get lots of help & advice. Keep posting, tell us a bit more about yourself, when it all started, what tends to set things off etc.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

10-03-05, 20:27
hi there,
welcome to the site, it's great here and there are lots of people who can help you.
have the counsellors that you have seen tried to help you address the root of the cause? i think you are right - breathing and relaxation techniques are a good start but won't solve the problem. are you still seeing a counsellor?
take care,

10-03-05, 20:52
Hi and welcome aboard the forum.

Have you considered CBT or hypnotherapy to help with your issues? May help.

What sorts of things do you do on a daily basis, do you get out etc?

Hope we can be of some help.


10-03-05, 22:34
Hi guys I'm really impressed by the number of resposes - thanks.
Just to answer a few of your questions.

I'm kinda seeing a counsellor on an on and off basis. She's fairly helpful. I feel though that I don't discuss everything with her. thoug. There are some really personal issues that i feel I need to express, but I will do so only with a counsellor I'm comfrotable with. I may express them on this website in due course if i find it useful.

As a young kid I always carrried out little rituals whether it be the way I tied my shoelace or the waly I walked into a room. As I became older these superstitions intensified. Now all my obsessions concern usually conversations and feeling people don't listen. I'm very rigid.

I did try hypnotherapy once but I fainted straight away. Something in my mind just seemed to reject it.

I'm not really familiar with mental health practioners. I do think though that I require someone other then a counsellor. Aslo mental haelth in Ireland perhaps unlike the UK(?) isn't really a priority. We have one of the biggest suicide rates among young men in the world.

Anyway on a happy note, thaks for welcoming me on the forum