View Full Version : Worried About Ovarian Cancer-- need advice!

13-02-08, 00:56

So I've been having problems with bloating since the beginning of August on and off. It seemed to come on especially when I was stressed, but sometimes just out of the blue. Each time it would last for days--sometimes over a week. I got worried about Ovarian cancer, of course, even though I'm only 22, so I went to my GP, who said that was doubtful and sent me to a gastroenterologist. He said he doubted it too and gave me a sigmoidoscopy to check for colon problems--all normal. He said that chronic bloating isn't really worrisome and to just eat right, etc. Then I went to see a gyno and told her my cancer worry. She felt around and said that everything felt fine to her and she didn't see any reason to do anything.

So I was reassured, until I read on some website (bad of me, I know) that doctors can't feel ovarian cancer most of the time just by feeling around.

Now the bloating's back again for days at a time (I must admit it came back with a vengeance minutes after a huge panic attack and has been on and off since) Should I go to another gyno, or is this just a dominant anx symptom for me? I feel stupid after asking three doctors about this, none of whom were worried, but I keep thinking they may have missed something. Anyone else have a similar reaction to anx.?

Thank you!!:)

13-02-08, 07:43
my stomach can cloat with anxiety , i was told it was because the blood shuts of from the stomach to provide our other organs with more energy for the fight or flight reaction.
You are very young to get ovarian cancer , you would have a pain in your stomach alot, but why not get your gp to do a blood test to put your mind at rest. Hope you feel better soon.

16-02-08, 02:13
Thank you!!! What you said about the age factor really reassured me, Dying Swan. And Mirry, I will consider going back to the doc for a blood test if this keeps up for weeks, but I'll try to relax about it for now. I know a lot of people on this site have diagnosed themselves with this because of its vague symptoms. That and MS seem to be common worries for that reason. Thanks again!