View Full Version : Question for those who can't go to dentist

13-02-08, 04:16
Hello all

I have a question for panic attack sufferes and or agoraphobics who cannot get to the dentist at all. What do you do to get rid of tea/coffee/cigarette stains? What do you do if you have a bad tooth or broken one?

I have bad teeth and broken/chipped teeth, and terrible stains. I was wondering if there was a not too expensive toothpaste on the market that could get the stains off at least!

Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks.


Pink Panic
13-02-08, 13:45
Hello Elspeth,

When i was barely able to get out i developed bad toothache and my CPN was able to refer me to the Community Dentist who came out to my house and gave me treatment. They go out to old folks homes so it's not unheard of them doing home visits which i didn't realise at the time.
Since then i have been trying to get anything done at the Surgery but i'm still very very scared. It's very difficult where i live in Scotland to get registered with a regular Dentist as their lists are all full and they aren't taking new patients.
Can't help you with the stains ..... sorry!


15-02-08, 06:01
Hi Pink

Thanks for your reply.

I did ask a while back about community dentists, but apparently we dont have them in this area.

As I posted a few days ago now, I assume that everyone can get to the dentist.

Not quite sure how some ppl class themselves as agoraphobic if they can get out!

Agoraphobia is mentioned a lot on this site, but then people say they've been places, I don't understand! I worked until 3 years ago, but that was the only place I went, but I never classed myself as agora cause I could go to work, I just said I suffered anxiety and panic attacks.

So now when someone says to me that they are agora I have to ask if they are actually housebound or not!


15-02-08, 10:06
It's quite possible to be agoraphobic but still be able to go out. I think the term they use for that is 'functioning agoraphobic'. I know for many years I was able to go out to work and do other things too but I was still agoraphobic as I always had to be able to 'escape' from situations quickly and get home. A lot of people think being agoraphobic means being housebound but it's only when it gets really bad that you get housebound. Even for people who are housebound there are different degrees of this condition as your boundaries keep on shrinking and you can often find that you are not only housebound but can only be in certain rooms in the house.

On the topic of dentists it might be an idea to look in the Yellow Pages to see if any dentists in your area will do home visits. Where I am I used to have a Community dentist come to my house when I was totally housebound but we no longer have one in my area now. However I did once find a local dentist who came to my house and did fillings. It's certainly worth ringing around and asking :hugs:

tayside lassie
15-02-08, 11:51
hi Elspeth , the best tooth paste i found that was cheap is (pearl drops whitening £2.95-£3.50 )for helping with stains if you use 3 times a day in a few weeks you do see a difference ,and i cant go do the dentist either because i become a bit anxious then it sets those ectopic heartbeats off .

oh and a tooth paste called BLANX ? a bit more expensive £6-7.00 meant to be good . pearl drops does it for me .


15-02-08, 12:54
smokers tooth powder is good too


15-02-08, 14:06
Hi Elspeth
only just seen this thread sorry
what Alabastalyn said is very true there are different stages of it just like if someone has cerebal palsy etc they may have a mild form of it and some have a very severe form like lots of illnesses of course
Someone with anxiety/agoraphobia for example may be able to go to the cinema but still have to sit in the aisle seat (for quick getaway)
Or some days are better days than others. If i'm depressed as well then not only can i not go out the house but am limited to one safe room.
And we are all in different stages of recovery as well so a person who joined NMP say 2 yrs back and was housebound may now be working or at least not so bad.
Sorry you can't get a home visit that's pretty unfair isn't it :( :( :(
fraid if i go to the dentist its with dutch courage lol
There are lots of whitening toothpastes on the market but they can tend to be pretty harsh on your teeth which is something should think u want to avoid!! Sensodyne do a whitening paste which is less harsh than say a smokers toothpaste its especially for sensitive teeth and it makes your teeth taste good afterwards too
Sensodyne total care , gentle whitening thats correct name
My mum buys me the Beverly Hills whitening formula from discount shops, thats also a good one and can be cheap
Love Richie xxx

15-02-08, 21:16
Hi Elspeth, I'm one of those who can't get to the dentist so you have my sympathy. are you able to leave your home ever?
I don't know what I'm going to do because last night when I was eating a veggie burger, one of my back teeth sort of crumbled off and now I have a hole! I know I'll get an abcess in it before long because that is what happened last time I had a broken tooth which in the end I had removed, but that was 4 years ago when I didn't have anxiety and panic.
Many years ago a dentist told me off for trying to scrape stains off the front of my teeth with a pair of embroidery scissors. It seemed to work quite well but as he pointed out ,I was damaging the enamel. So don't do anything risky. Could you get a friend to ask a pharmacist to recomend something? Hope you get something soon.