View Full Version : seaweed

13-02-08, 11:50
did anyone just see on good morning Britain that scientists have discovered that a seaweed that the chinese call Mermaids seaweed has very powerfull cancer fighting powers. They said one tiny bit the size of a grain of rice could knock out cancer cells the size of a large swimming pool :ohmy: .

They are doing further tests on it , but it is appearing very hopefull:yesyes: .

Wonder how many of us are going to strat eating seaweed now ,lol.

13-02-08, 11:52
hi mirry no i missed it but great news hey not sure if id like seaweed tho but i might try it thanks for the info tc xx

13-02-08, 11:55
Oh Mirry dont mention seaweed lol. On my recent Blackpool visit last weekend we went to a lovely chinese restaurant me and hubby and they recommended the seaweed for our starter :ohmy: Hubby was up for trying it where as I wasnt as keen :scared15: But I must say it looked and tasted delicious :yesyes: xxx

13-02-08, 11:55
Seaweed is very nice when you have it with chinese, although saying that, its usually covered in sugar so not that good for you lol ;)

Jo xxxxx

13-02-08, 12:15
I seen a video on one of the sites that show video's, where this guy was saying that cancer is man made - it doesn't occur in the wild, only humans and animals fed on human food get it. Whether he is right or not, I don't know, but I couldn't find any info on google about animals getting cancer in wild? So maybe he is right?

13-02-08, 12:21
tom that sounds interesting , I wonder if there is any truth in that ?

Packaged food has alot to answer for i think.:ohmy:

13-02-08, 12:37
Hi Mirry i saw it yes sounds very interesting heres hoping it really does work

I personally love seaweed

Emma x