View Full Version : where do u get ur chest pains

13-02-08, 14:19
hello everyone

i waz just wondering were everybody gets there chest pain i get mine in the middle of my boobs and pain at the top ov my left arm,im having it as we speak and im very scared it cud be a heart attac,but i havent even been worrying about having a heart attack so dont undrstand why im gettin these pains,is it anx or summat serious???

also does any body ever feel seconds ov pure blind panic were u just freeze on the spot and think oh s**t this is it


13-02-08, 14:22
get mine where what feels like behind my left boob, quite sharp, sometimes i even think the underwire of my bra has poked out !!!! sometimes also feels like something heavy pressing on my chest - also occasionally get like a whirring feeling inside chest - all been checked out - all tests clear

14-02-08, 21:19
If you were having a heart attack, you wouldn't be sitting at the computer typing! Heart attack pain is in the middle of your chest, behind the breast bone, it is severe, may spread to your jaw and down your left arm. You would also feel unwell, maybe short of breath.

And yes, I have had moments of blind panic.

14-02-08, 21:27
In my chest.

18-02-08, 20:38
For me left hand side just below my breast a sharp pulsing pain sometimes up my arm too! It is anxiety, just think about how your body responds when sexually stimulated, then it makes sense that we have such strong responses when anxiety kicks in. When I feel it now I jump up and exercise vigorously for 10 mins so I can prove it is nothing more that anxiety and not a heart attack - I am still here to tell the tale!