View Full Version : Iron Tonic

13-02-08, 15:25
Hi All

Dont post that often, as any sypmtons I have seem to be answered by this fantastic website, but have panicked myself now, had areally nasty cold after xmas, which has lingered, and had loads of horrid mucus (green) coming from nose and constantly felt tired and headachy, started taking Floridex a fruit based Iron tonic, and have also had a bout of IBS not really bad but uncomfortable, and feeling kinda queasy in the mornings, I do have a bit more energy now, bit still feel headachy, and listless, but what has me worried, is my poo (sorry) is blackish, am now panicking that it could be serious, tried to find out if Iron tonic would do this but did'nt want to google, does any one have any answers. Oh am under quite a bit of stress at mo


13-02-08, 15:29
yes the iron in the tonic can cause blackish poo!Hope that helps


13-02-08, 15:32
yes the iron in the tonic can cause blackish poo!Hope that helps


Thanks Joy

Thought it did but you know how it is when you are like this, the logical part of brain seems to shrink to zero and the silly bit grows to the size of the universe

13-02-08, 16:40
Hi Maz,

Just some re-inforcement.Joy is absolutely right.
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:
Best wishes,

13-02-08, 23:44
hi maz

floradix is magic stuff i swear by it but unfortunately anything with iron in causes this so please dont worry.

ju x