View Full Version : xanax - oh dear...

13-02-08, 16:48
this morning i tried to test myself by heading out without any xanax in my system or about my person, - i've been taking it on a basis of need for a few months - and about 30 minutes later i had a bit of an episode, not a PA but palpitations and sweating, a really horrible feeling that i wasn't safe, thought i was going to lose it entirely, and all i could think of was getting home to take some. these feelings did pass after a little while, but this really frightens me.i can't just keep carrying around packets of tranquilizers all the time.
i know that was more of a statement than a question :) but if anyone has any advice on tapering down benzo usage i would be really grateful.

elle xxxxxx

13-02-08, 19:22
hi Elle,

carrying the xanax on your person is a comfort thing.I used to be like that one time with water probably cos the doctor I had wouldnt give xanax lol.Are you concerned that you are relying too much on them?What dose do you take?

if you want and are ready to wean off them if you are on.5 for example half it and take half the dose and do that for a while and see how you go.Do you carry a few cards of them or just one?
even if its one card cut it in half so you still have some on you rather that going out without any "safety net"

only my opinion of course if you can get the doctor advise you all the better

Bet x

13-02-08, 19:37
Hi Elle,

Congratulations on coping without the tablets!!!!
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:
It's amazing that two people can look at the same incident in such different ways.I feel you should be applauding yourself for a successful venture yet you seem to be giving yourself a type of "failure message".Given what you have come through,is it not normal that your symptoms should have appeared?After all,this was a big deal for you,going out without the meds.
Don't forget,you had symptoms-natural-but not a P.A.
I come off Meds under supervision by my doctor over a three month period.
Build on this and move forward,feeling proud of yourself. Accept your symptoms appearing as part of the process of recovery.
Well done.
Best wishes,

13-02-08, 19:38
Hi Bet & Chalky! Well i didn't really cope without them as i ended up taking some a little while later, but i am determined to keep lowering the dosage until i can function without them..However long that might take!!
It really has become a comfort thing! yep, i am relying on them far too much i think..even on days where i know that i don't have to leave the house if i don't want to, i end up taking them. just to deal with minor things.
i always carry a card of 10 .25 or 10 .5 tablets around with me but the amount I take varies considerably, my doc just told me to take them whenever i was getting overwhelmed by the anxiety or having a PA (but i always feel overwhelmed by it?..)..today after i decided i couldn't hack it i took .5 and i sort of felt back to myself.
I'm going to start taking the recommended dosage on the box, i believe its .25

thanks for replying!
elle xxxxxxxx

14-02-08, 10:16
I carry some diazepam with me at all times. I rarely take them, in fact hardly ever. Maybe going out without having taken any and not having the comfort of having them with you was too much?