View Full Version : True Life Mags..Arrrh....

13-02-08, 19:34
It is amazing when you are suffering with anxiety/panic the way it can manifest itself so easily onto anything.:ohmy:

Last Monday my sister came to visit and brought me some 'true life Mags'. I normally read every night before going to sleep as it helps me to wind down. I thought I would give these mags a try as it was something different. Most of the stories are about people who have suffered with (and some who have overcome) cancer, abuse, partners cheating etc. etc.

Come Friday I was feeling thoroughly depressed and had convinced myself I had at least 5 different types of cancer as well as a brain tumor!!! Needless to say I have binned the mags and am now back to reading my books!! After all you can't really go wrong with 'The Lincoln Lawyer' by Michael Connelly!!!


'Your imagination is always much worse that the reality':yesyes:

13-02-08, 19:41
Hi Diane,

I wonder how many of these Mags would be sold if they carried stories focusing on the millions of people who live a long and happy life,unaffected by such illnesses?
Reading Michael Connelly novels is certainly much more enjoyable-I know from personal experience!
Best wishes,

13-02-08, 19:48
Hi Diane

I dont read any mags anymore, or newspapers because the stories just ended up making me anxious. I would imagine myself in the same situations and it would make me feel awful!

So I'm better off just leaving the mags on the shelf! I'm reading a CBT for low self esteem at the mo and thats much better for me :D

Jo xxxxx

13-02-08, 20:54
I so agree with you Diane.... I read one in a waiting room the other week and I could feel myself bursting into tears.... I coped ok with Hello Magazine though!

15-02-08, 19:27
My sister brings those type of mags round for me. I don't actually like them but I'm too polite to say. I picked one up before and thought 'don't even look at the cover it will be scary'! :blush:

15-02-08, 19:47
you guys are so right if I read them I have every illnes known to man

Give me Harry Potter any day

Emma xxx

15-02-08, 20:50
yep i used to read them too cause my mum buys them
Wouldn't buy them myself some of that stuff is too close for comfort, sends shivers down my spine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But still read fictional thrillers, praps cause they not true -life
Love Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx