View Full Version : Hi Everyone

13-02-08, 20:59
My names Rachael and im 19 years old
I have been suffering from severe anxiety for 5-6 years now. I was recently diagnosed with Social Phobia. My previous diagnosis was panic disorder/agoraphobia. I'd say my biggest problem is the agoraphobia.
I have recently started seeing a psychiatrist and i started CBT on Monday.
For the past 5 years i had been on medication and not really been given a lot of help, but i think i was partly to blame. I was young and so down about my condition i thought i could just take pills and get better. Obviously thats not the case.
Im determined to get better through CBT, my anxiety has stopped me from doing so much. My life has sort of been put on hold, im sure a lot of you can relate to that.
I moved to a new area last july and since then i have made a lot of progress, the biggest changea being getting a job and also finally getting treatment. I work in a creche part time, for 3 hours in the morning during the week.
This site was recomended to me by someone via a comment on my blog and i will defiantly be sticking around. I have kept a blog some months now, writing about my anxiety and my battle to overcome it. I would love for you to check it out http://mylifewithagoraphobia.blogspot.com/
I love writing in it, its kind of theraputic!
Anyway, ill stop babbling on, take care

13-02-08, 21:36
Hi Rachael,

Welcome to the forum. I suffer from agoraphobia & anxiety myself, had a quick read of youre blog, believe me i can sympathize with you. Good luck with the CBT, i have my name down on the waiting list for that to.

Cheers Paul.

13-02-08, 21:42
Hello Rachael:welcome: to you!

Well, that is good progress indeed - and plenty more help and support here too!

Glad you've decided to stick around - pleased to meet you!

Will difinitely take a look at your blog, but wanted to welcome you first!:)


buzzing bees
13-02-08, 22:23
hi my friend i hope yur ok, im not bad got fibro fog at min ive sent few mesages on this page today but now i cant work out how to do new thred on this page ,,[[ it cud only apen to me
l.o.l....]] by for now take care:huh:

14-02-08, 00:26
Hey Rachel

Welcome to NMP hun, you will get loads of advice and support here :)

Jo xxxxx

14-02-08, 10:32
Hi Rachel welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Take Care

Emma xx

14-02-08, 11:41
Hello Rachael And Welocome To The Site Linda

14-02-08, 13:10
Hi Rachel,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Your blog is excellent!!
Keep up the good work and you will succeed.
Best wishes,

14-02-08, 15:42
hiya rachael :welcome: to nmp its great to have you here :yesyes: . you will get lots of support and advice from all the great members here. i looked at your blog and i think its great. i love your dog jimmy i have two staffies of my own. hope to talk to you in the chat room soon hun.
take care. :hugs: :hugs:

14-02-08, 16:43
Thanks for the welcomes everyone :) very much appreciated

thanks for chcking out the blog kellie, glad you like jimmy! i love Staffies but i dont think i could cope with two!:)

14-02-08, 16:54
Hi and welcome :)


15-02-08, 03:32
Hi Rachel,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here that feel the same way you do and will get great support.



15-02-08, 20:15
Hi Rachael

:welcome: aboard.

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

15-02-08, 20:59
Hi Rach im 21, ive had social anxiety since i was 14 so i know how you feel.
Chin up, there is worse things in the world to suffer from.
Hope you feel better soon:)

15-02-08, 21:35
HI Rachel welcome to NMP and that's a great idea writing a blog like that, really therapeutic.
I'm sure you'll make alot of progress and you have already :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
love and good wishes Richie x x x x x x x x x x x x x

16-02-08, 19:18
Hi Rachel,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx