View Full Version : newbie

11-03-05, 14:09
hello im new, im a OCD suffer and i hope ill be able to help you and give good adivce. talk to you guys later [8D]

'the man that flew into space from his apartment'

11-03-05, 14:26

Welcome to the site.

For your OCD we do recommend that you visit www.ocduk.org as well who are specialists in OCD.

We 're happy to have you here too.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

11-03-05, 14:49
i am already a member with OCD uk but thankyou for replying [^]

'the man that flew into space from his apartment'

11-03-05, 14:58
Hi Flower

Welcome to the site. You will get a lot of support on here. You will have to tell us more about how you suffer.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

11-03-05, 16:16
Welcome to the site flower.:D:D:D

Take care

11-03-05, 16:18
hi welcome to the site hope it helps

fan x

11-03-05, 18:01
Hi Flower

Welcome to the site.


When you fear something.
Learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

11-03-05, 18:51
Hi Flower

Welcome aboard - I'm sure you'll get a lot out of this place - it's really an excellent source of information and support.

Good luck and good health


11-03-05, 19:00
Hi Flower and welcome aboard the forum

Meg suggested that site as well because OCD isn't our speciality but we do have a lot of fellow sufferers who will all be able to help too.

Hope to get to know you better soon.


11-03-05, 19:55

Welcome to the site.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

11-03-05, 21:25
Hi Flower

Welcome to the forum. I hope you find it helpful being here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-03-05, 19:38
Hi Flower
Welcome to the site i'm sure you will find help and support from everyone here.
Take care

13-03-05, 09:33
to sal, well were do i start, ermmm
1.i have a fear of getting illness such as cancer
2.i aviod visting hospitals in case i get ill
3.i have to clean my hands all the time
4.i have to change my socks everytime i leave the house and come in.
5.i need to check that the doors are locked
6. i cheack if everything is turned off and shut
7. make sure candles are snuffed out
8. i check if my purse and other things are lost, i have to do this every five minutes
9.if i think of something terrible it could happen
10. i have a ergue to harm myself
11. i have a fear of falling of the plateform at the station and killing myself
12. i feel that if i make food for other people i will posion them
13. i have a fear that if i step to close to someone at the train station i could push them off
14.i have to read and reread lines in a book
15. everything has to be in the right place
16.food has to be in a particular place in the self and in the shopping bags its the same
17. everything has to be straight
18. books have to go on the self by length, width, author, which book came first, etc. it must be perfect, if not i have to start again
19. im a hoarder, i have to save everything
20. i feel that people have alterinative motives
21. i have this feeling that i always smell and people can smell me and aviod me
22. i always pick my skin off of my fingers and i pick my lip until it bleeds (that i think has to do with CSP)
i could go on but thats the main things

'the man that flew into space from his apartment'