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View Full Version : worry about worry

14-02-08, 20:16
I thought i had solved all my problems with 5-htp, dont get me wrong it has helped my anxiety I have been taking it since 17 dec 2007 at 200mg per day. Iv just got it down to 100mg but think i may have to go up again. I am feeling that panic feeling again. I just dont know if it is safe to carry on taking it.

I have analized my worry, and it would seem that i am worried about being ill with this worry and not being able to work and earn money. I know its crazy but i think that is what is wrong. The other thing is that i keep thinking about death, and will i be able to cope with it when i do die. Its mad i know. Why am i like this?

14-02-08, 20:26
Hi chap

I have often thought meds just mask the problem, and possibly you masked the anxiety out and lowering the dose lets it back in again.

I really do feel though, any advice on meds should be given by a GP or similiar.

Your fears are pretty common. One of my biggest fears with anxiety was (apart from heart attacks/cancer/life threatening illness) being so mentally incapable, that I could not work and become destitute.

These thoughts however, are just merely thoughts, and when you analyise them further, hopefully you will see that they are merely the negative thinkings of an anxiety sufferer.

Have you ever thought of talk therapy? try asking your GP about it.

Good luck


14-02-08, 21:57
Hi there!

I too suffer with health anxiety and worry about every little body sensation and misinterpret it into some fatal disease/illness.

Like Jaco said it really is down to negative thinking - you can turn any thought into something negative if you want to (and oh how I try!).

I am getting better at challenging these thoughts now (after CBT) and want to reassure you that you are not alone.

Good luck and take care
