View Full Version : Lazy mornings - Mornings in general

14-02-08, 23:23
Hey everyone

Just wondering how everyone feels in the mornings? It usually takes me a couple of hours to wake up and feel normal. This is completely scrapped if I have to work in the mornings, if I have to work I dont really feel normal for the whole day since I am out of the house within 45 minutes of waking up. I'll just feel kind of 'out of body' and a little more prone to anxiety those days. I never used to be like this before I got anxiety problems, but it could just be the way my health has plummeted over the last few years. I dont play sports or exercise anymore.

So do you all need time to wake up and adjust to the new day in the morning? Or is it business as usual from the moment you wake up?


Kim Baker
15-02-08, 00:00
Hi! Mikes,
I was very interested in your post......

I find it extremley difficult to get going in the mornings - i feel very slugglish (can't spell lerthalgic Lol):) so much so I cut my hours at work last summer and now I don't start work till 2pm and do till 5pm.

May i ask how many hours you sleep for? I sleep for about 10 hours and still feel tired:ohmy:

I think it is because I am not getting quality sleep and wake frequently during the night.

I am so lucky being able to take my time in the mornings.:D

Might I suggest going to bed a little bit earlier and giving yourself more time in the morning:yesyes:

Lovely talking to you.....:happy:

Kim X

15-02-08, 00:06
Hi Mike

This sounds so fimiliar, i was like this for years it would take me most of the day to wake up.
I think exercise is the key to the problem, it wasnt till i joined a local morning walking group that i realised if i get up and exersice the tiredness would go. If i sat around home all morning i would feel dreadful and just wanted to go back to bed.
I dont venture with the walking group anymore, as recently i have got a new puppy, but i make sure every morning after getting up i take the pup for a walk for around 20 minutes and by the time i get back i feel great.


Brandy snap
15-02-08, 01:00
Hi Mike,

I was interested to read your post. I am an owl and often don't go to bed till between 3.0 and 4.0 am. I wish I could be more normal, but I feel so awake at night and the time just goes so fast.

Also, I have to give one of my cats his third pill late at night as it has to be at least 6 hours after his second pill (which he has about 7pm).

I am still having severe problems with not being comfortable due to the bed (you may have read previous posts about it, sorry), so I don't look forward to going to bed anyway. I am so terrible about making decisions, and remembering the upheaval and stress of trying to choose our last bed, I don't think I could cope with doing it all again! Would give anything to have a comfortable night though. Have toyed with the idea of a mattress topper but scared it might make me feel hot. I can never seem to get my head at the right angle, and I feel as if my hip bone is taking all the weight as the mattress doesn't yield.

But to get back to your question, no I don't like mornings either. Often don't have breakfast till 12 noon unless it is a day when I work in the morning. Hate having breakfast when I don't feel like it but can't work on empty.

Would love to have an early night and see how different I feel though. If I give the cat his first pill earlier it doesn't really help as I can't give him his second pill till I get home from work.

I will follow this thread with interest.

Brandy Snap

18-02-08, 10:02
Hey everybody, thanks for posting up :)

I managed to do quite well with sleeping last week, but as soon as friday arrived I was getting to bed at around 3am. Dont know why, I just find it really easy to stay awake to that kind of time, then sleep on til 12ish. If I didnt have any obligations I probably wouldnt pay it that much notice, but weekdays I usually have to be up by 6.30am to work. Am like a zombie those days, quite tired now!

Because of that I dont really have a sleeping pattern. Ive noticed that I feel a little out of body and mind days that I dont get atleast 7+1/2-8 hours good sleep (and vitally, wake up in the morning). I really want to push myself to try and have some kind of routine to the time that I'll go to sleep and wake up, I honestly seem to find it as troubling as my agoraphobia. I will have to push myself to sort this problem out. Ive recently started going out every day to try and counter the agoraphobia, I was a mixture of car and social commitment bound, its doing me pretty good so far.

Exercise does seem like one of the best options. I honestly cant remember mornings seeming as slo-mo as this before my agoraphobia. I have a Border Terrier that could use the exercise to and I dont think she would mind it at all lol. My younger sis also wouldnt mind a morning jog around the local park most days, she wont go on her own. I think I'll have to try hard to get into a sleeping routine and a mixture of the two above and see how it affects my mornings. Going to sleep late and waking up fairly late itself does me okay for half of the week, but it ruins the days I have to be up early to work. I'll avoid almost anything social those days and be pretty much housebound which really doesnt tie in with the effort Ive been making to get out and about lately.

Brandy you mentioned food which thinking about it I have an issue with in the mornings (or on having woken up) to. Not much tempts me to want to eat when Ive just woke up, usually go for a few biscuits, yesterday it was a few Krispy Kreme donuts, Im guessing that is not the staple of a healthy diet. Sometimes I have a lot of trouble sleeping to, I put mine down to my lack of a sleeping schedule. My body will feel quite tired but my mind will still be fully active come the time I want to goto sleep. Means I can lay in bed for hours trying to get comfortable and with random things (music or just feeling annoyed usually) circling around in my mind. I might drop off to sleep about 4 hours after getting into bed, will usually have to be up about 2 hours after that, those 2 hours would have been very light sleep, almost like sleeping whilst awake if that makes any sense?

I know how awkward it can be to find a comfortable position to fall asleep if you dont like your mattress or pillows. I changed my mattress and duvet/pillows a few months back and after that I can only seem to fall asleep laying fairly flat on my stomach with my head to my left, pillow almost turned longways which'll be underneath the top of my chest. Arms wrapped around the pillow to, to make sure it doesnt move. I feel good sleeping like this now (when I can sleep), but it took a good few restless nights to find the right position for me.

Kim Baker
18-02-08, 12:36
I also find it very difficult to face eating anything first thing....

Might I suggest Porridge - get some from the shop and mix a quater of a bowl full with half a bowl of milk and cook in the Microwave or 4 mins (800w).
leave to cool amd then eat - it is easy to swallow and nice and warming:)

kim X:hugs:

18-02-08, 13:52
I can't stand rushing in the morning, much prefer to take things slowly.

So, I actually get up at 5.45am to leave the house at around 8am, most days :blush:
