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View Full Version : GP strife

11-03-05, 21:12
.Am really fed up with my GP, current meds not working and he's not got back to me with plan B like he said he would....

11-03-05, 21:16

I have been there and it is hard. I am surprised your doctor didnt get back in touch.

Call him on monday and see what alternative medication you can take.

I tried one medication about 3 years ago and i was told this was the turning point and it made me really ill and my skin was covered in rashes and i couldnt stop itching it.

I am sure he will be able to find one that you dont react to and i am pleased that you started to feel better apart from the rash.

Hope it gets sorted soon hon.

Take care.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

11-03-05, 23:05
Like Sal says, make sure you get in touch with your GP - it's very irresponsible of him not to have got back to you!!

17-03-05, 23:33
he could be waiting for you to let him know how your getting on go back tell him its not working and see what the alternatives are.......

i had quite a few different meds before i found one i could settle with

fan x

18-03-05, 18:50

Did you call the doc and ask what was next for you?


18-03-05, 18:56
hi forgot to ask how long have you been on your current meds as he might be giving them a reasonable length of time to kick in and start working some take a while to show the results

fan x

18-03-05, 19:51
hi Tigga,

Have you managed to sort anything out with your GP?

Sarah :D

23-03-05, 21:46
Hey guys

Thanks for the moral support! :) Things still not sorted [Sigh...]
Currently still not on any medication at all, having been told to come off my last one straight away by the GP, cos I was showing signs of a major allergic reaction. Have basically just been asked to stick it out on no medication until I get an appointment with the local psychistrist as the GP feels he has tried all the obvious medication options with me and has run out of ideas. I guess its good that I'll be getting some specialist input, but feeling really grotty without meds, and feeling pretty ashamed about being too much for my GP to handle by himself [:O]


24-03-05, 00:11
Hi Tigga

There is no reason for you to feel ashamed because your GP hasn't been able to find the right medication for you.

Hope you don't have to wait too long to see the psychiatrist.


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