View Full Version : Positive Effects Of Giving Up Alcohol?

15-02-08, 14:32
I've been of the drink 9 months now, have to say I see nothing but positives, I'm wondering if any of you's have gave up alcohol due to anxiety/depression reason? If so can you relate to the below?

Less depression, I never noticed while on alcohol but my weekend binges effected me all week, I was depressed most of the week but was so used to it I didn't know I was depressed, its only when I came of alcohol I noticed, Sure I still get the odd bout but then everyone gets down at times, I'd be more worried if I didn't get depressed.
IBS gone, I used to be tortured with this, as soon as I went out anywhere I got the cramps etc and diahorea
More energy, After my weekend binges I was very fatigued all week
Anxiety alot lower, Yes it comes and goes but nowhere near as bad
No Panic attacks, Alcohol used to be my prime trigger, the day after a binge I darn't of left the house as a panic attack was guaranteed.And now for my next challenge and probably the hardest but its smoking, I have already beat, Cannabis,Ecstacy,Caffeine,Alcohol:yahoo:

buzzing bees
15-02-08, 14:40
one keep up great effort ,, yuv done bril,
smoking is bit ard to give up but we i am sure youl do it take care

15-02-08, 16:16
Brilliant mate, really chuffed for you.

I have never been a heavy drinker but have definitely noticed a link between having a bad week and drinking too heavily the previous weekend.

Could just be coincidental but also might not be so anything that might help and all that!

I've decided to give up totally for the rest of the year to see how I feel.

My other big vice is chocolate! I am a sugar junkie!! Especially before bedtime.

Will try and cut down a bit there too!



15-02-08, 16:18
Hey, well done you!!

I'm not going too badly with the smoking, I've had the odd few over the last month but all in all, its going well :)

Drink is a harder one to give up, all of our friends drink and its like a ritual to go out down the pub most weeks.

My hangovers do give me bad anx though so maybe I should just learn to cut right down on the drink.

Jo xxxxx

15-02-08, 16:25
Hey, well done you!!

I'm not going too badly with the smoking, I've had the odd few over the last month but all in all, its going well :)

Drink is a harder one to give up, all of our friends drink and its like a ritual to go out down the pub most weeks.

My hangovers do give me bad anx though so maybe I should just learn to cut right down on the drink.

Jo xxxxx
I had the same problem, My social life revolved around drinking, so when I stopped it was a nightmare, So now I just stay in, tonight for example I'm getting a chinese and a dvd which suits me just fine

01-04-09, 16:37
Alcohol is the biggest depressant there is, i gave it up 4 months ago cos the stuff makes me feel so low after I drink it. I cant come down from a hangover. Non alcoholic becks is great cos it tastes just like real beer minus the nasty after effects!

AK Bun
13-10-11, 12:56
I gave up over 4 years ago. Mostly I was a 'normal' drinker, but had binges a few times a year. During withdrawal from the big sessions the anxiety and depression was unbearable.

Since giving up I can honestly say I've felt born again, fitter and without any anxiety or depression at all. I have more confidence in my body and in myself (the real me that is, not the one behind the mask of alcohol). So many people have told me they wish they could give up too.

So why am I here? Big build up of bottled-up stress this year (won't bore you), culminating in massive anxiety and panic attacks.

In my case, maybe the underlying things - the addictive personality, introspection and perhaps a tendency towards mild depression - are still there and have also contributed to this 'blip'. Along with the meds for my current state of anxiety, that's what I'm going to address next.