View Full Version : unreal dizziness

15-02-08, 14:36
When the panic etc.started for me the main symptoms was unreal dizzinness for a few months prior.I had some many tests and nothing was ever found.

here I am again today with this unreal dizziness.I've checked my blood pressure a few times (not excessively) sometimes its fine and then so low.

I eat well and do look after myself.I dont know if its the fact I'm not taking any meds at the mo or what.I'm scared to take anything in case it makes it worse.

I am reluctant to go to the doctor as everything I go to her about is apparently a symptom of my anxiety according to her.

I dont if anyone else suffers from this this in a similar way?

Bet x

17-02-08, 14:24
I get this all the time, in fact it is my main anxiety symptom, just feeling not right in the head and dizzy but the more I think about it, the worse it gets. I drink a glass of water and pretend its because I'm dehydrated and every gulp of water that I swallow is making it go away - it sounds stupid but it works for me and most headaches are caused by dehydration anyway so its all good for you to do it.
I have had this almost daily for 18 months now and at first I was really scared and thought I was going to faint all the time (but never did) and now I know how to deal with it, I jusy busy myself doing other things until I forget that I feel diizzy anymore. I find it gets worse when I'm just sat doing nothing as then my head starts processing all the stressful things in my life and the diizziness intensifies!!
I know its not a great way to combat this all the time, but I also find having a nap works just for half an hour and I wake up feeling much more clear headed and relaxed.
Trust me, I thought this was something really serious at first but I've had it so long now and nothing else has happened to me so it really is just stress related!!
Find some time for yourself - have a nice long bath with some music on and pamper yourself or go for a walk now the weather is picking up - you'll feel a million dollards afterwards.
Hope this gets better for you. Take care xx

17-02-08, 14:36
i can relate 2 u babe, i seem 2 b constantly dizzy lately & out ov all my symptoms i get with my panic & anxiety my dizziness is my worst i dread, it stops me doing so much, i have noticed that i tend 2 hypoventalate/hold my breath alot when im anxious so that must not do my head anygood,also could b dehydration,my neice is a nurse & she said 80% of headaches& dizziness is caused through dehydration, so try & relax & do some breathing technics & ull be finexxx

17-02-08, 14:44
Thanks for the replies buttercup 123 and leisa.

It reassures me.

bet xxx

17-02-08, 17:05
Bet , what tests did you have done exactly ? Have you had ALL the tests needed ?

Did you have a full ENG ?

17-02-08, 17:44
hi mirry,

no I didnt hun.the doctor I have blames everything I have on anxiety.

bet x

17-02-08, 18:20
bet , ask to be checked at audiology , they will tests for you .

When you are dizzy , you can do the hallpike test with a partner with you,
get your partner to watch your eyes , then lay on a bed and look up as you lay down then turn your head to the right ,
if your eyes jump back and forth with a twisting , you may have bppv ?

Do you notise it more with head movements ?

18-02-08, 09:21
hi i 2 have suffered dizzies went to gp and he said its another anxiety symtom it has cleared now i had it for months it was my worse anxiety symtom tc xxxx hope you feel better soon i no exatctly how your feeling its a hutter nightmare but in time it dos pass xxx

18-02-08, 10:27
Does anyone get a motion feeling ?, It's like your in a moving car when your not,nothing around me is moving, it's just a feeling in my head.I get it sometimes even when I'm laying in bed or just sat in a chair.

18-02-08, 11:28
i do get taht feeling decca , especially when crossing the road when i turn my head left to right (ughhh).

Hey do any of you loose your balance at all ? when you feel dizzy or anxious ?

18-02-08, 13:30
hi mirry hun,

if I turn my head too quickly its a bit worse.Worse still if I bend forward.it doesnt feel too bad today.am feeling more spaced than dizzy.I really think its anxiety.

bet x

bet , ask to be checked at audiology , they will tests for you .

When you are dizzy , you can do the hallpike test with a partner with you,
get your partner to watch your eyes , then lay on a bed and look up as you lay down then turn your head to the right ,
if your eyes jump back and forth with a twisting , you may have bppv ?

Do you notise it more with head movements ?

22-02-08, 14:02
The last couple of days I've been having this awful symptom where I'm just sat of stood and for a few seconds feel so off balance I feel like I'm going to fall over so I grab hold of something. It passes but then obviously I panic so end up feeling light headed and dizzy and when I turn my head I get a vertigo type thing going on. Does anyone else get this? Is it anxiety?

22-02-08, 14:20
Hallo! Yes my dizziness was my first anxiety symptom; it gets much worse when I'm anxious/stressed out about it (or other symptoms) and I have had a couple of situations where its been so bad I've almost stumbled over. Ironically it seems to go away when I've had a drink... That's not advice to go out and get drunk, but doing something active to distract yourself is likely to provide you with at least some temporary relief!

Relax ;-)


22-02-08, 14:44
hiya yes my very first symtom of anxiety was dizzeness it was awful it dos eventualy go i felt as tho id come off boat ride or sumit it was awful .such a strange horrid feeling and i also felt spaced out the doc said it was anxiety .tc your not alone its awful xxx

25-02-08, 13:39
Hello All

I'm new here and I'm so relieved that others get similar things to me. I'm not new to anxiety however and have lots of things which get me down from time to time. My worst is the dizzy feelings I get, they are not always the same from day to day, sometimes they are just what I call 'wobbly heads' when I just feel a bit off kilter and unsafe. Other times I cannot turn my head without feeling I'm going to fall over, it's almost like a 'G' force feeling where you have to wait for the inside of your head to catch up with the movement you've made. Like you, crossing the road is a bad one, moving my head from side to side makes me feel very off balance. I put it all down to tension in my neck and maybe hyperventilation which I know I do at times.

I also have a problem with IBS, for the past 6 months I have had spells of waking in the night for a wee and when I try to go back to sleep find I need to go to the loo for a poo. My doctor has done a screening test and feels sure that's it's anxiety related and it will only happen for a night or two then it gradually dies down until the next thing upsets me. I am not worried that I have any awful disease now I have had tests (I am very lucky to have a fantastic doctor) but it does get me down because I work full time and get very tired and night time always bothers me. Things are always worse at night and I can't seem to find a way to stop it happening, I just have to take my Colofac for a week or two but I seem to get panicky now before I go to bed in case it happens again. Does anyone else have this problem?

Thanks everyone!


26-02-08, 14:55
Just to say that I suffer from panic attacks / anxiety and often have "dizzy" spells, they worry me a lot.
NOW 2 times so far I have had the worst dizzy turns ever.

I turned over in bed ready to get up when - it was like a blackout but EVERYTHING was spinning. I know I shouted to my husband to hold me to stop me spinning.
I was so afraid.
I went to my GP and they said probably an ear problem just move more slowly.
The same sensation happened the same night when I turned over to read my book (in bed) 2-00am
I went to the emergency clinic (saturday morning) they diagnosed VERTIGO:ohmy: They prescribed Betahistine I am taking 2 tablets a day - I am so afraid of any meds but fear of the vertigo is a very good reason teh med.
At the same time I am suffering Urticaria ( like nettle rash).
So I am feeling very sorry for myself .
I do not know if it is the meds or the vertigo or what but I feel very sick nad of course a bit giddy.
best wishes
a very fed up

26-02-08, 17:11
I too get this dizziness as a result of anxiety....It feels like my inner ears are full....having it today as a matter of fact...last year I had a whole battery of tests done at the hospital including ones where they lay you back and spray water against your inner ear and then get you to say something from memory...another one following a red led light moving back and forth etc etc....and like all of my other tests came back negative....just anxiety....its worse in winter when my sinuses are always running but the Doctor says no ear infeaction there...can't take decongestants to help as they are contray to SSRI anti-depressants....I guess we just have to distract ourselves.


26-02-08, 19:32
I get dizzy all the time and feel really sick it is horrible but it is nice to know im not the only one xx

24-03-08, 19:09
buttercup 123. I get the dizzyness all day long and I try and drink water like I would if I was getting a migraine coming or dehydration and it's seems to really help too not sure why though. Good Advice.

25-03-08, 11:42
strange symptom when I woke up this am looked at the wall and the pattern on the wallpaper was moving (it was about 5am and not light) started to panic looked at the curtains patterns were not really moving on them after a few minutes it subsided and I went back to sleep, I have stayed in bed all morning watching TV and reading, has anyone else ever had this.

and yes mirry I have lost my balance when feeling dizzy and anx (a bit like you've been drinking)

Lots of love


25-03-08, 19:42
Hi Bet,

dizziness is very difficult to get used to but if you've had a checkup with your GP then it can only be anxiety related. NASA has to get astronauts used to the weightlessness of space. They do this by spinning the astonauts around at high speed to make them dizzy. They obviously do not like this. But basically after a while they actually become so used to it that it doesn't bother them anymore because they know what the cause is and that it's NOT dangerous - just unpleasant. This is the trick you have to learn - that it's NOT dangerous.

Good luck.