View Full Version : Just got to vent please bear with me

15-02-08, 16:29
I am going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!! If i don't get rid of my flower shop this year i will go barmy!!!The anxiety of it all is killing me and the stress is unreal,everyday there seems to be some major occurence or upset and frankly i have had enough!!!!! Today i found out my major supplier has gone bust right out of the blue,i didn't have a clue so now i have no delivery of flowers on Monday.Then on top of that i am worn out with valentines day,getting shouted at,being treated like rubbish by my staff.I WANT OUT!!!! It is actually a nice little business for someone that can cope but my health has deterioated badly in the last three years since i've had,i've built it up nicely but now i need to back off.I've actually made the first step and rung an agents specialising in selling businesses.I'm a single parent with two children one of which has been so poorly recently,i have no family nearby and even if i did they wouldn't want to help,thats just how it is,am used to it now.Thankgoodness i have my four dogs and you guys on here otherwsie i would go potty!!!!
Thanx for listening Ali xxxx

15-02-08, 16:32
sorry to hear your having a bad time, hope it sells soon and is one less worry for you xx

15-02-08, 19:16
:hugs: :hugs:

Hope you can get things sorted Ali, I know first hand been self employed can be very stressful. Hope you get a quick sale hun.

:hugs: :hugs:


16-02-08, 00:32
Hi Ali,

I know you have been having a hard time with the business.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I hope things get sorted out soon.
Keep on venting-better out than in!!
Best wishes,

16-02-08, 09:23
Hi Ali, vent all you want on here if it helps you !.

But just for 1 minute, sit back and look at how well you have done, a single mum with 2 kids, one poorly, and even you have just admitted you are proud of the shop and how you have produced a good little business.

Getting a break doesnt always mean a week away, just take an evening, have a bath, maybe a glass of wine, relax and for an hour forget about it all.
In that hour there is nothing you can do or say that will make a difference, but it will to you, it will re-charge your batteries.

Then like I said rather than muddle up all the problems in your head, write each area down e.g shop, daughters illness, and put beside it what you can do to make things better but more importantly what you can deligate to others.

I know it isn't easy but my therapist once did a chart after a year, I thought I hadn't done too good, but she was writing down the positive and not the negatives and wow what a difference it made.

Hope this helps, we are all here to get you through !! Have a nice weekend.

Christine xx:flowers: