View Full Version : anxiety related to noise..anyone else?

15-02-08, 16:56
Hi all..I am just wondering if anyone else finds noise (i.e people going past outside, car alarms, house alarms or anything like that) or the thought of a noise starting a trigger for an anxiety attack? I know that sounds odd but its one of my main triggers and I wish I knew some psychological tricks to help me get over it, it started a few years ago when I lived next to the most awful noisy neighbours..since then we moved and I love where I am now but find I still cant shake the fear that a noise problem will occur, it makes me so fristrated with myself but it really does cause me to panic. Its worse at the mo cos Im suffering with pre natal depression..and altho Im getting a lot better I still tense up with fear, heart pounding etc at loud noises.

16-02-08, 01:29
Hi Rach,
Noise does it to me too - esp the grandkids screaming.
I don't know what you can do about it. I just try to ignore it as much as possible.
Phill :shades:

16-02-08, 01:36
Hi Rachael,

I'm the same. Like you, related to events that I went through and only takes a door slamming to get the old heart beat going and anxiety kicking in.

Haven't found a cure, just accept that I'm highly anxious and try not to let it trouble me too much.

16-02-08, 01:51
Hi Rachael,

I can cope with loud music but I start to feel anxious when there are a lot of different loud noises such as children shouting and screaming, running up and down, tv blaring out or radio, it feels like my head will explode sometimes.

I've no suggestions either sorry


16-02-08, 07:27
It's all about changing your negative thoughts to positive one's and yes this thinking can be applied to any situation (according to the counselling I received!).

Instead of thinking "Aarghhh those kids screaming is doing my head in" instead turn it round to a positive ie "Oh isn't it lovely to hear the children, they must be having lots of fun". You get the idea, it's changing the thought from a scarey one to a much calmer one which will not have the same effect on you.

We do in effect wind ourselves up by letting the noises get to us.

It's a hard thing to start to turn around, and it takes a LOT of practice, but it will help to bring things down to a much more manageable level.


18-02-08, 10:35
Hi Rachael

I dont think noise has ever triggered an attack in me but sometimes if I am already feeling a little on edge, then loud noises irritate me to the point that I have to get away from them otherwise I think I am going mad!

I dont really have any suggestions as to how to cope though, sorry hun.

Jo xxxxx

21-02-08, 02:25
Rachael, is it only certain kinds of noises like the alarms you're concerned about or just noise in general?

I'm very sensitive to noise and sometimes at the end of the day I just have to turn off the tv and background noise like the radio and just enjoy the quiet for a moment or two.

16-09-08, 18:39
Hi, does anyone else have similar triggers to me? My triggers are the sound of computer keyboards and snoring. I've just completed 6 months of CBT but it hasn't helped. Has anyone got an tips of copeing, this makes me feel so restricted and no-one seems to understand how I feel when you say that your having a panick attack.:weep:

17-09-08, 00:39
I always log in so I can post on a new "noise" thread.

Yes, I am very sensitive to noise and, unfortunately, it is becoming inescapable here in the U.S. (at least in this area). One cannot walk into any store or restaurant without music blaring out of speakers. Sometimes several televisions blaring loudly AND music playing loudly . . . at the same time.

So, I thought of this:

If they have laws to prevent people from having to breathe in second hand smoke, there should be laws to prevent people from having to put up with listening to second hand noise.

Noise is the new pollution.