View Full Version : This is so hard.

12-03-05, 05:01
Hi Guys!
I'm 12, and I'm just going through hard times. I thought that if anyone could help me, it would be you guys, the ones who have experienced it yourselves. My Grandpa is sick, and it's really hard having my one support system, my mom, being gone a lot to visit my Grandpa. Also, I'm about to turn 13, and I'm not really excited about becoming a teen. The one wonderful thing I have is a wonderful family, and I'm so grateful for that, but still, things are hard bein a teen. My anxiety flares up every time I get stressed, so right now it's pretty bad, and I'm even starting to miss school because I get stress stomach aches. I feel bad putting so much pressure on my mum, but she's the one thing that keeps me going I don't know what to do, I feel like I am weighing down her life. I tell her I'm sorry, but I still feel so guilty.
I'm really stressed and my anxiety is just so hard to deal with, it's drags my life down a lot. I'M SO STRESSED! GAH! Can you guys help me?

Being a teen with stress and anxiety just isnt fun.

12-03-05, 11:47
Hi Elly. So sorry to hear you feel so stressed at such a young age It isnt fair?. Well its hard to do but all these worries are part of life and I am shure your mum is taking care of it all. You realy shouldnt worry about these things at your age what is happenning is just a part of normal life and has been going this way for thousands of years. Try to keep relaxing and keep telling yourself every thing is going to be OK, Trust you Mum she can sort these things out. Also Keep telling yourself over and over . you are young and must enjoy life. and tell your self you are not worried as you are strong. Have you seen a Doctor or had any help? Have you talked this all Over with your mum? I am sure she dont want you to worry about things that happen in life anyway? Take care Vernon

12-03-05, 11:50
Hi Elly,

Welcome to the site.

My daughter was 13 last month and suffers anxiety and OCD. If you would like to talk to her for support, PM me via the site. Would be lovely for you to be able to talk things over with someone your own age.

Love Kate x

12-03-05, 13:10
Hi Elly

Welcome to the site. I think it would be great if you could get in touch with Kates daughter, there is also chaz and jade you could pm. They are teenagers and will understand how you feel.

Dont feel guilty for your mum, that is added pressure and i am sure she wouldnt want you to feel guilty.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

12-03-05, 14:55
Hi Kate good idea maybe being same age they could he;p eacj other/

12-03-05, 15:18
Hi Elly

Your're definately in the right place, everyone will try to give you the support and advice that you need here. I'm assuming you have been diagnosed with anxiety/stress by a doctor?

Don't worry about your mum, you are both there to help out each other, and you sound pretty responsible for someone of 12, I was just a terror at that age, no wonder my mother's going gray! I really hate to see people so young suffering from anxiety, but at the same time, you change a lot over your teenage years, or more to the point, you have more ability to change. It becomes more difficult as you get older and stuck in your ways.

Have you tried any form of relaxation? It could do you a lot of good. It can be difficult to get into if you feel tense or restless a lot, but it becomes easier after a while. You could maybe try that when your mum isn't around too, might make you feel a little better. Vernon's post makes a lot of sense, much of your fear and anxiety comes from what you are thinking. Everytime you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop for a second and have a think as to what the positive sides are (they are always there even if you can't see them).

Hope this helps


12-03-05, 15:52
Mico u still are a terror lol/ Cya m8 tc

12-03-05, 17:50
Hi Elly

Welcome to the forum. Please would you let your mum know that you are posting on here as she may want to check it out to assure herself that you are safe on here. I can send her an email if you want me to?

There are others your age too so you could catch up with them through this forum as they will understand how hard it is to suffer at your age.

Hope we can be of some helo.


12-03-05, 18:09
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Mico u still are a terror lol/ Cya m8 tc

<div align="right">Originally posted by vernon - 12 March 2005 : 15:52:36</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks Vern! [^]

12-03-05, 18:49
hi welcome to the forum

fan x

12-03-05, 20:24

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your grandpa & how it's affecting things for your mum & you.

I'm sure you'll get lots of help & advice on here &, as others have said, there are members who are a similar age & will understand especially well.


13-03-05, 14:11
Hi Elly,

Sorry you are having such a hard time at the moment and that your grandpa is not well. You will get alot of support here.
Don't feel like you are putting pressure on your mum, I am sure she loves you and she wouldn't see it that way. I know how hard it is being a teenager as i also went through a rough time at your age, i hated school as i was picked on by other girls and i was overweight but I got through it. I have an 11 year old daughter who is also going through a hard time at school with certain girls being nasty to her and even though i have my own problems with anxiety and depression she knows i am always there for her when she needs me. You are very lucky to have a supportive family and i am sure things will get better for you. Don't feel guilty for feeling like this, it is in no way your fault and I am sure your mum wouldn't want you to feel guilty either. Do you have friends you can talk to or maybe a teacher at school you can confide in?

Try not to worry too much(easier said than done I know) but you have got the rest of your life ahead of you and you should be enjoying this time in your life. Try and tell your mum how you feel and don't bottle things up and I am sure she will only be too willing to help you get this thing sorted.

Keep your chin up and take care
Love Lisa