View Full Version : Lady Part Probs. lil embarrasing but worried

15-02-08, 22:31
hello ladies.

well tonight i had my first panic for a long time.

my boyfriend came over mine tonight and as we never got to celebrate yesterday, we had a special night tonight.

anyways, we started getting started with forplay and he was playing with me down there. we stopped so we could get essentials and when i went to get up, i felt slight pain in one of my lips. it hurt when i was walking. so i had a look and my left vagina lip is swollen and hurts.

i did some research and most answers came to say that its from rough play and its a blocked gland and some say it happens to them really badly they can hardly walk. i really don't want this to happen and i am really scared about it. i hope it goes down tomorrow as i have to go to work. i'll be on my feet all day. i can;t have the day off because i came home ill todya with a tummybug aghrrrrr xxx

15-02-08, 23:32
Hi Sammi.It could be a blocked gland or spot,boil.Dont think its from rough play.I wouldnt have thought it would swell so quick.I could be wrong.
Sometimes around my period I get a painful spot down stairs,can be very painfull and swollen, and usually goes on its own.
A warm bath helps without bubble bath.

16-02-08, 16:47
I have heard of that, large lumps that eventually pop and it's a bit messy. Hopefully it's just that, sometimes it can be a bit blind for a couple of days and then becomes very apparent what is going on.

I wouldn't worry about it, it should sort it'self out none the less I can imagin it is very painful to walk!

Hope you feel better soon!

17-02-08, 12:19
oooh poor you, havnt experienced it myself but a friend of mine has, she actually gets them a lot and one had to be drained once as she got abcess there, apparently epsom salt baths is the cure

18-02-08, 18:20
My girlfriend has had it for a few years. It is a gland but hers doesn't seem to go away. I does however seem to get bigger when rough play is in effect.


24-03-08, 13:56
I've had somethink similar where my labia lips would swell up after sex or foreplay, My whole lip would just swell looked normal though just swollwn it never popped or leaked anything out though, eventually the doctor found me to have a bacteria skin problem and I was given antibiotics and i've not had it since might be worth going to your docs and saying you think you have a bacterial infection and getting a swab done to see if they can find a cause. By the way I had about 6 swabs before they found the problem that was causing my swelling.