12-03-05, 07:46
Hi everyone,
I would just like to know anyone elses thoughts/advice about hormones and symptons of anxiety. Mine always seem to be much worse when hormones are kicking in for whatever reason:- periods, ovulating etc.. I suffer daily with ectopic heartbeats but find for about six days out of a month, I have what I call 'free' days, when I don't get any. These days are usually just past the middle of my cycle after ovulation has occured and will last until I get pre-menstrual again. Admittedly the missed beats do not always go away, this time for example I have had a very stressful week, in what should be my 'free' week and I have still had them, but not as bad. I also get the unreal feelings and generally panicky for nothing. Just wondered if anyone else could add to this.

Question for Meg, you replied to another post of mine and asked if my doc had asked me to keep a diary. To be honest, neither he (or my nurse, who is much more understanding than the doc) seem at all bothered by them, but I just wondered if there could be something that they could give me if they were all connected to my hormones. Bear in mind that I had never noticed a 'missed beat' until I lost my baby and they started six weeks after this happened. Obviously there is a connection to me getting them after such a traumatic event but could that also have triggered a hormone inbalance. I have had various blood tests (not sure what for, one was defo for thyroid though) and they all came back fine. As my other posts have said, I have always been a worrier and have had panic attacks for years and did seek help back then with a counsellor for anxiety management, but the missed beat thing has been going on constantly for nearly three years and is still getting me down! I must sound like such a stuck record, but I find they are the one thing in my life I can't cope with at all.
Sorry to have gone,
Take care,

12-03-05, 09:33
Yes , they can be related to hormone and your cycle.

I think it would be well worth you keeping a diary and if after a couple of months there is a direct correlation take it to your nurse and show her the evidence.
I don't think they are dangerous at all but its just worth pointing out trends and facts and if they are very linked you can get a referral then. Everytime we have a shift in hormones its a prime time for these ie pre menopause is a classic time for palpitations , when switiching the pill too.

I'm not saying that it is or that there is anything to cure it but its worth knowing whether your assumptoms are correct and presenting the facts to the health care professionals.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

12-03-05, 16:04
Hi there, have suffered with anxiety/panic for many years and now am just experiencing the onset of menopause, and yes, oh yes, hormones do play a part (for me anyway) i.m not trying to scare anyone (you are all too young anyway), but have noticed a real increase in panic attacks, anxiety, day and night and palpitations, which, thank you Meg, you have just put my mind at rest about, am trying to cope with this alongside my 'normal' panics, if there is such a thing, anyway, yes our hormones do play a big part in the way we feel, gosh i do gone on don't I?

12-03-05, 17:26
im the same when it comes to my time of the month i go nuts so my patner says lol.

12-03-05, 18:51
i find im more anxious and panicky round my period too

fan x

12-03-05, 19:41
I'm a right miserable moo for about 10 days before i'm due and i do tend to worry and panic more then about things [Sigh...].

19-06-06, 16:01
Hello Lynjane
I,m 28 and about 4 mths ago starting to experience palpitations. I spent a night in hospital the first time (just for montoring).
My doctors have been great, they reassure its not dangerous and have done ECGs and an echo (heart scan) as a precaution.
Only during the heart scan did the nurse ask me if i noticed the palpitations were related to my cycle.
It suddenly dawned on me they seemed to come at the same time each month! about 10 days before my period, and they last on and off for 3 days.
I,m now waiting to see my cardiologist again.

If you are finding you need reassurance, go back to your doctor and insist it is checked properly to put your mind at rest. As you may find worrying about them all the time is making it worse.

I am very bad at worrying, and sometimes think i bring them on worrying!

Hope this helps.

12-06-08, 12:56
Just to add more info to this thread. I came off HRT about 6 weeks ago because I have been on it too long, and since then I have had worsening anxiety, heart palpitations, feelings of light headedness, panic, worrying thoughts, bad hot flushes, day and night, chronic exhaustion. Just small movements of my body, or quick worrying thoughts bring on a hot flush. Ive been told that these are symptoms of the menapause, but they feel like pure anxiety to me.

It is a bit confusing to know exactly whats going on. I think its probably due to mental and physical stuff together. I have been told that these will subside eventually, but its been pure torture for 6 weeks.

Any one else had worsening symptoms after coming off HRT? Would appreciate some support and advice. Thanks.

02-10-08, 10:54
I've been perimenopausal for about a year now. My anxiety disorder started in March this year and I'm quite convinced that it has something to do with my anxiety/depression. My doctor shares his surgery with another doctor who says its quite likely that there's a connection but my 'normal' doctor won't hear of it :shrug: I often think wouldn't it be awful if I was taking all these meds for anxiety when all I needed was HRT!!!!! I know that has it's own set of problems to consider but you can see where I'm coming from.

Natural Mystic
03-10-08, 10:38
I do know that anxiety can be a symptom of the menopause

Cathy V
03-10-08, 13:06
Yes i agree, and im convinced its what started off the high BP last year too. My mum started with her menopause and high bp at same age. Ive suffered with ectopics since my 20s and now in my 50s and still suffering with them, but theyve become much more frequent in the last few years, so there has to be a menopause connection. I also got them badly when i was pregnant with my last child (who is now 20) and always got them more before a period. But instead of giving me HRT i was given betablockers for the anxiety and high BP....go figure!

03-10-08, 14:07

A week before i am due on my anxiety hits the roof & thus my low mood. I have researched this & its apparent that its a drop in hormones & is quite common in some ovulating women.... I have been diagnosed with Premenstrual Dysphoria which i am on Northisterone for, as soon as they have kicked in i will let you know if they ease this.

Nickie x

03-10-08, 16:43
Me too, although i don't have periods anymore, I used to freak during that time of the month. and the week preceding it.

19-04-09, 20:44
hi hun
yes hormones do kick of anxiety, do keep track of when your monthly is and then when the time comes and you feel bad you will know its just coz its that time of the month!
i am terrible @my time of month but once i realise why i start to chil out instead of freaking out!
take care hun

19-04-09, 22:50
I do know that anxiety can be a symptom of the menopause
Yes I think that too because I have never been so anxious in my life as what I have been this past year or so.:ohmy: I only really started with health anxiety last September but looking back I have been really anxious about silly things and got myself really worked up over next to nothing although it didn't feel like nothing at the time. I think I am starting the menopause.

20-04-09, 01:39
I had the same thoughts after being on ton of fertility hormones. I never had anxiety probelms before injecting my body with all that stuff. Dr. said no, it would not have caused this but ever since my mind and body have not been right. I tried to get them to test my hormones but b/c I am only 31 and have periods each month they wouldn't. I finally found a Dr. to listen and guess what...hormone imbalance. My body is making enough progestrone to make me have a period, but lacking enough to make me a nut! Now, on day 12 I start taking a pill and I am good to go! This is the 1st month since Nov. that I have not come unglued during this time of my cycle. For me it was always after my period until I ovulate.

20-04-09, 10:40
Hormones definitely play a part - like stressed32 my anxiety went through the roof when I had fertility treatment.

I also think that anxiety sufferers are much more sensitive to sutle changes in their bodies - the body flags up any small change and fires off an adreneline flare.

My anxiety is very bad just before a period and sometimes around ovulation.

20-04-09, 13:41
Hi everyone...

I've been doing really well with my anxiety up until Friday... Partly to do with a row with my partner which although now is water under the bridge the effects remain with me becasue of my anxiety, they form part of any doubting negative thoughts i have or make the negative thoughts harder to control or deny as ANTS... My anxiety seems to be lingering on a little longer than i'd like...usualy since realising its GAD just reminding myself of that would make it subside after about a day or so but its gone on for like 4-5 now...

I took the morning afterpil Friday Night/Satruday morning and wondered if perhaps the massive amounts of hormones in the pill might be the reason im finding this bout harder to deal with...?

My negativity always centres itself on love with its hidden motive being reducing myself down to a horrible evil unworth person ... I know I love my partner but my negative thoughts are causing me sooo much anxiety and sadness.. I want it to stop.. Finding it hard to beleive that "it will pass" as it always does ... THis time it just seems so much harder to accept..

I know the morning after pill is a powerful little tablet with a lot of hormones in it... I am hoping that is whats caused my anxiety to linger... Any ideas?
