View Full Version : is it ocd?

16-02-08, 09:29
hey guys,
ok one of my first fears was getting ocd. I thought i had it once but then realised i didnt it was just anxiety but now i really think i do, despite friends, family and my councelor telling me i dont.

It started with me worrying i'd want to re-do things so when i did things n didnt wana re-do them i was like ok thats a good sign, but then i started thinkin ok what if i wana re-do this later but cant get to it or for some reason i just cant n it just keeps bugging me so id re-do whatever it was.

Now its sorta like im obsessed with putting my hand break on if i leave my shoes down stares i have to go get them i like straighten up all the dvds at work and sometimes just have to keep doing something but iv read about ocd ppl keep doing it till it feels 'right' but like it never feels 'right' it just feels i duno so in the end i get mad and frustrated n just walk away from whatever im doing.

So then today i researched ocd n im worried i will get allll these things i read e.g wanting to stab ppl bla bla.

I guess what im wanting to know is it ocd or anxiety? i feel like iv talked myself into all this stuff just by making sure i wont want to do it later, its hard to explain but when i get the urge to touch things or keep re arranging them its like i cant walk away from them is it ocd????

P.S i get really nervous reading about symptoms etc so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in ur replys if u have ocd or anything plz dont tell me what u get or what to look out for coz i will freak out.

Much appreciated
Much Love Lawzy

16-02-08, 09:51
i can get ocd tendancies when my anxiety is really high - i don;t have to check or rearrange things but i clean like a mad woman as nothing seems clean enough. i have also suffered from intrusive thoughts such as thinking i may harm people etc BUT what you have to remember is that it is an anxiety symptom- if you were the kind of person who really wanted to do things like this you wouldn't be worried about it! the thing i have used to overcome my anxiety is to 100% give into it - think so what? it really does work - its the fighting against it that keeps it alive.

i would suggest that you just let it run its course -if you want to straighten things out - go ahead - people think they will get worse by giving in but they don;t - they get better because once anxiety has permission to be there - it doesn't want to stay. the fact that you can walk away from stuff shows that it is anxiety playing tricks on you not ocd. sounds like you developed an obession about worrying about getting ocd and this is why you are now freaking out - its almost like you are giving yoursel the symptoms! xx

17-02-08, 02:03
Hello Lawzy,

OCD is a symptom of anxiety and it can take many forms.

However, I think in your case you are simply a "perfectionist" who maybe feeling stressed at present so your mind is looking for something to worry about.

Try not to think too deeply and focus on finding things you enjoy doing.:hugs: