View Full Version : Is this a panic attack

12-03-05, 12:15
I went out shopping yesterday and suddenly went dizzy, heart racing, my legs turned to jelly and couldn't wait to get back to the car.
I felt like i was going to pass out or die. I have never experienced anything like it before. For a few days i haven't felt like eating and am finding it hard to sleep at night and i still don't feel recovered from the feelings i had yesterday. Its quite scary. Does anyone think it could have been a panic attack?

12-03-05, 12:35
Hi Sue

Simply: yes!
They can be different for everyone but the feelings are broadly similar. My first PA felt like a heart attack - I was convinced I was on my way out. I couldn't eat or sleep properly after my first PA, it's very common.

Have a look here in the forum and the main website, especially the first steps section and you will find plenty of advice and help. Panic/anxiety are nasty things but respond very well to treatment of all kinds. Fortunately, you've found this forum/site and that will help you a lot.

Good luck and good health


12-03-05, 12:35
Wecome Sue

Most definitely what you experienced was a panic attack.
No doubt about it.
Horrible symptoms - but not dangerous at all.

It's easy to convince yourself there might be something else causing this - but it is generally not the case.

Do try to eat more regularly as this will help you.

Above all - try not to worry because I sure that's all it was.
You will get lots advice and support here to help you understand what happened to you.

You will be fine trust me.

Best Wishes.

12-03-05, 12:52
Hi sue, welcome to the site. You will get lots of help and support here.And yes that sounds just like a typical panic attack and very scary they are too. My only advice to you now at this stage is whatever you do DON'T avoid or put of going out as this could quite easy lead to avoidence and agrophobia. Some only have one panic attac then get no more and some get more attacks. Best go to your Doctor for a check up and any help he can offer too as this will put your mind at rest. Also its best not to avoid the place where you hade a panic becouse its not the place that starts the panic its inside our mind and that only leads to avoidence. Its a bit like learning to ride a bike when you fall off just get up and do it again. anyway you will get lets of help from here and hope you feel better soon. Take Care. Vernon

12-03-05, 12:59
Yes, all the classic symptoms.
Do read through the 'first steps' and 'how to cope' pages. They will help you to understand what is happening and why.

Jude x

12-03-05, 13:07
Hi Sue

Welcome to the site and well done recognising your symptoms so soon. It definately sounds like a panic attack.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

12-03-05, 13:32
Thankyou for all your replies. I now feel a bit better actually knowing what it was. Since i was about 20 ( am now 40) i have had moments when i have felt shaky, dizzy and feelings as if i'm not really here, as if people are there around me but i can't hear what they are saying it's just a load of noise but have never really thought anything about it until yesterday when i was really bad. It was my partner who said it was probably a panic attack so i looked it up on the internet and found this site, finding i was already a member anyway from when i looked up ocd trying to help my partner.
I think now i will go and see my doctor to see if there is any help he can give me.
thanks again sue

12-03-05, 13:49

Please also really heed the suggestions about maintaining blood sugars. That could have had a lot to do with this attack coming on if you've not been eating and think back to other situatitions and consider whether maybe that might have been an issue then too.

Just worth bearing in mind ..

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

12-03-05, 15:42
hi Sue and welcome!! Like you say, just knowing what it was makes you feel a little better. Hope you stick around!! :D

12-03-05, 17:47

Welcome aboard. Now that you know it was most likely a panic attack then you can start to work at getting over it.

Read Meg's "First Steps" post on the website as there are loads of useful suggestions in there.

Hope we can be of some help.


12-03-05, 23:41

some great info on here and great supportive people. you now know what it is, you now know it cant hurt you so no reason for you not to just take this blip in your stride and get back to your completely normal life.

take care.
