View Full Version : Strange taste in mouth

16-02-08, 19:20
Does anybody get a strange like acid taste in the mouth? like when you belch and you think you are gonna be sick, i had it this morning, and at various times throughout the day! i just keep getting different symptoms, thats if it is anxiety!

16-02-08, 22:21
Your Get That Acid Taste In Your Mouth When You Feel Sick, This Is Prob An Anxiety Sypmtom, Not Nice I No Dont Realy Get It Now, Because I No What It Is, So Dont Worry About It, But Go And Check It Out With Doc If Its Really Worrying U, Because U Can Then Put It To Rest. Hope U Feel Better Soon,
Take Care

17-02-08, 01:07
Thanks Sandy, whenever a new symptom comes along it just sets off the alarm bells with me! and your right, i will get it checked out if it persists

17-02-08, 14:32
Is it like a metallic taste?

18-02-08, 03:17
Its more like a bitter acid like taste, i suppose it's similar to mettalic

18-02-08, 08:45
i got this alot and was diagnoised with acid reflux. since being on medication i don't get it as much.

maybe a visit to your doc will put your mind at rest.

all the best

pen xx

18-02-08, 16:59
I have had the metaliic taste from time to time, It was another symptom that I had to get used to. Like you each time a new symptom starts it sends me panicking.

18-02-08, 18:25
You just get used to one symptom then another one comes along! The mind is an incredible thing!