View Full Version : Physiatric Assessment-What is it?

17-02-08, 12:22

This week my GP and Councillor have been discussing referring me for a physiactric assessment they say to get more of an expert opinion on why I am continually becoming obessed, anxious, depressed etc... can anyone tell me what these assessments entail as I am a bit freaked by the thought, dont know why just sounds scary!


17-02-08, 14:10
Hi Ellevie

I had a Phyciatric assessment a few years ago, and believe me hun its nothing to worry about. Basicilly,(in my case anyway) it was a bit like a interview, i got asked lots of questions about the probelms i was having (agorophobia), they asked me questions about my childhood or if anyone else in my family sufffered with mental health problems. also what my medication was etc. What they are trying to achieve is a overall picture of yourself and work out what will be the best treatment or medication for you, nothing to worry about at all hun.

Think of it as a positive step forward for you , when i had my assessment i was then referred onto the relevent treatment i needed.:yesyes:

Good luck
:hugs: :hugs:

18-02-08, 17:36
Oh that is a relief I was a little concerned...thanks for the advice Andrea. I hope that is helps as keep on thinking im getting a bit better then I feel back to square one. xx

18-02-08, 18:15
Hello Ellevie,

I had a psychi assessment too and was like yourself very anxious about it before hand.

The first appointment was around an hour I think and yes they just ask questions to get an idea of your family background, siblings, etc, any family history of psychiatric probs and ask you what you think your problems are. It is quite informal and the psychiatrist was very pleasant and kind with me. She knew I was very anxious.

Any appointments I have had since then have been about 10-15minutes, so make the most of that appointment and if there are things you want to ask it may help to write them down before hand

Good Luck with it, and take care


18-02-08, 18:25

Yep, as Andrea has already said the Pyschiatric Assessment will be for them to look into your past history in more detail. Sometimes our fears come from our subconcious (may have stemmed from something we've completely forgotten about), that had happened when we were a child. It could be anything,...

Nothing to worry about at all, although I will mention that sometimes Psychiatrists/Psychologists can seem to be fairly cold and robotic (not nicknamed Shrink's for nothing lol), but don't worry about that, its just the way they work. Many people including myself when first visiting Psychiatrist's etc,.. have ended up more confused when they have come out,.. than when they did beforehand, but thats just because of the random question's they can sometimes ask, and so my advice would be; to not look into things too much,... they're just working out the whole picture.

Hope it goes well for you, and let us know how you got on. x