View Full Version : I need to go to a funeral next week

18-02-08, 00:10
My brother died, I cant even talk about it. I've had two panic attacks today in the house, I've never had them in 'normal' places before, I normally have them in enclosed spaces.

If I go to my doctor and ask for something extra to get me through the funeral will he give it to me? What do I ask for? I'm panicing thinking about sitting inside the church I cant do it.

I am on citalopram 20mg a day.

Please help

18-02-08, 00:21
KittyKate hun, so sorry for your loss, please try and see your Doctor and explain your problem so he could offer some meds to support you in the very difficult time.
Do your family know about how difficult you will find attending the funeral? Can you speak to them so that you get some reassurance that will lessen the guilt you may feel?
Get as much support and understanding as you can and if you can't go, then don't beat yourself up about it. Take care, Sagey.

18-02-08, 00:30
hi kittykate,

so sorry to hear the sad news.I'm sure the doctor can surely give you something to help.

bet x

Hope 2
18-02-08, 09:05
Hi Kitty Kate:hugs:

What a complete and utter nightmare for you xx
I agree that you should see yr GP and don't beat yr self up if u can't go .
I went to a funeral a few weeks ago and was so very anxious that I got lost on my journey and missed the whole thing . Don't feel like this on yr own, there is always people around on here hun xx

Hang in there
Hope :hugs:

18-02-08, 09:13
awwww kittykate im realy sorry to hear of your loss and i agree go and c your gp im sure hel give you something to help you get threw day and again im realy sorry .tc xxxx

18-02-08, 09:28
Hi kitty im so sorry to hear this, but i do agree with the others about going to see your GP.

love Sandyjane xxx

18-02-08, 10:49
Hi Kitty

So sorry to hear of your loss hun. Just to reiterate what others have said, please go and see your GP and tell him you'd like something to help you through this tough time.

Dont be hard on yourself if you dont feel well enough to attend the funeral, this would not reflect badly on you hun.

Jo xxxxx

21-02-08, 14:12
This must be a very difficult time for you and the anxiety you are feeling is normal but still very hard to cope with. 18mths ago my father died and my agoraphobia was really bad. I managed to get to the funeral by going in my own car driven by my husband and I sat at the very back of the church so that I didn't feel on show. It was a really difficult day and if I'm honest I wish I hadn't gone. My family would probably have been really annoyed with me but I think that is their problem. I look at things differently if I had cancer and couldn't have made it then they would have accepted that so why not agorophobia. You need to make your own mind up about what is right for you and not feel bullied into doing things that you are not ready to cope with. Look after number one when you need to.I hope this helps and good luck,