View Full Version : Panic is back Help me!!

18-02-08, 09:35
Hi all I suffer from panic attacks have done since last august. I was doing so well went for not been able to leave my home to working again. I had a flu bug and was stuck indoors for nearly two weeks since then the panic attcks have came back. I feel like my heart is racing constantly and the shakes have came back again. I was meant to go back to work today but i am petrified. I thought i fought this fear of going out but it is back. I am so embarrassed i have got to this stage again it is the last thing i wanted. I am starting to get fed up with fighting myself. You think you are doing ok then wham it comes back. Has this happened to anyone else? I wonder if the panic is back because i have not been out and about and doing my routine. I did try and go back to work last week and freaked out dizziness and racing heart started i managed 3/4 of my shift and had to come home. I need any help to get my back in the drivers seat of panic right now i feel i am in the boot of the car. :weep:

18-02-08, 10:45
Hi Margaret,

I had something similar over Xmas. Had a bad cold for just over a week, just when that left me I caught that 'bad' bug which was going about, pretty much ruined my entire Xmas. (No food, no seeing friends, no work) I was pretty much housebound over that time, I suffer with agoraphobia anyway, but was able to do a few things without having problems. By the time I felt well again, probably between 2-3 weeks since my original cold, I actually felt alot like how you described. I even felt anxious at home, being around my family in the living room and allsorts.

I sometimes think of these things like being in a fight. Like the panic is an outsider in you and wants to control you. It wants to tell you what you can and cant do, but we should all be in control of ourselves. There is nothing to feel embarrassed about with it, its very aggravating but its very common at the same time. 1in3 at some point in their lives my GP told me.

After my illness, when I was feeling alot worse with my panic than usual, it took me about 1-2 weeks to find my way back to my usual routines again. You did really well to get back to work, you caught the flu and needed some rest, what has changed since then? You should try your best to get back to how you were before you fell ill because the truth is that nothing has changed since then. I do believe that staying indoors for a long time will bring things like panic and anxiety back about, but the thing is to take them on and try to remove them from your mind as soon as you can otherwise they will only try to gain more and more control over what you do. Even if you feel you cant get back to work asap, I would try to get back out and about to show yourself that it can be done. Shopping, walks, exercise, window shopping, cycling whatever. Just something so that you dont spend the majority of your time indoors because as with the illness, thats when anxiety can edge its way back in, when you dont go outside.

I hope my post here doesnt come across as harsh, it isnt meant to. It would be a shame to see anybody give up daily life. It really is a case of the longer that you leave it the tougher it could more than likely become to sort out. I think the best advice would be to nip it in the bud as soon as you can, because I do honestly think that anxiety and panic 'spreads,' I dont find it to be full on and effect everything from the start.

I hope this encourages you somewhat to try and get back out there. I was pretty much indoors for a straight 4-5 years and lately Ive been going out multiple times every day revisiting the places that I was to scared to visit before. You dont want the panic to take control of you, you can honestly lose years of your life if it does so you should do everything you can to fight it. You must have had good motivation to beat it out the first time, try to find that same motivation to beat it this time. It could be a lot easier than you think because it hasnt been going for so long, if you leave it it will only get worse before it gets better. You should do your best to get yourself out and about.

Hope this helps, and again it isnt meant to be harsh Im sorry if it comes across that way.

21-02-08, 14:28
Hi margeret. I too suffer with agorophobia and panic attacks. I have had four really bad bouts in my life and am at present trying to work through the latest. I am new to this board and I have just registered so will post my history elsewhere. Something I've noticed when I've had a viral infection is that I always feel shaky and scared and the panic is always worse after the infection has gone. My doctor says this is quite normal and that if you are patient it will improve and pass. I like to think of it as the scab phase of recovery (like with a cut) don't pick at it (push yourself too hard) accept its there and treat it carefully whilst trying to get back to normal. Look after yourself and be kind to yourself whilst gradually trying to achieve the things that you need to. Hope this helps good luck.

23-02-08, 00:22
Awwww Mags 2 :hugs:

I hope you are feeling better by now.

All I can say is that it's really normal to feel like this when you've been unwell and stuck indoors.

I always find that my anxiety is much worse if I'm ill, and even more so if I haven't been out and about.

The key is to knock it on the head and carry on with going to work. I know it is so hard, but I am sure the panic will disappear again this time as soon as it appeared. The more you stay away and worry about it hun, the worse it will be.

You'll beat it - Good Luck

xxx :flowers:

Leave Scare at Home
23-02-08, 03:51
Read Claire Weekes.
She writes her books like a friend taliking to you. I've been much better since but sometimes get jumpy with 'too much excitement' and live in NYC so that's not uncommon for me :).
Just remember you've seen the worst and even though you think you could get worse, you won't. As Dr. Weekes says: Face that you feel like this really look at it head on without shrinking, Accept you will feel like this for some time, Float through it like as if you are floating in a nice pool or on a cloud, then Let Time Pass, just let it pass through.
I like to think of it as a wave coming over you it will come, then it will go, don't brace yourself, lossen your body and bob with it.
Good Luck!