View Full Version : Feeling dreadful

18-02-08, 14:18
just having the most awful day.am fed up with being told things will get better because they just don't.Can't just sweep it under the carpet either becasue my whole liveliehood is at stake.
This morning i came into work to find a letter from the hotel i do the flowers for to say they no longer wish to use me.That contract is worth a heck of alot to me and i am gutted really gutted,i feel so sick.I am already under a huge amount of stress and this feels like the final straw.
Is this what life is?one huge struggle?I have been trying so hard with the business but its just one thing after another and i have so so had enuff even more than when i wrote my last post last week.

18-02-08, 14:50
ali things can only get better,i no how it feels when u really feel things cant get any worse,but life is full of ups n downs,& sometimes in life things seem 2 come all at once,but hang on in there babe & things can change so easily from 1 extreme 2 another in business,take everday as it comes xxxxx

18-02-08, 14:52
Hi Ali

I'm sorry you're not feeling great right now :hugs:

I guess life is never easy and everyone has their struggles, I think it just comes down to what we make of what we are given. Did this hotel give any reason for not wanting to use you anymore? Could you perhaps give them a ring and find out to see if things can be rectified? Worth a try hun.

If they still dont want to use you after you talk to them then I guess you can look at it two ways:-

a) yes it was a big contract so you will lose a certain amount of money from it; or
b) you can think "their loss" and maybe try and market your business more to get some new clients on your list?

There might be an organisation like "Business Link" or "Business Initiative" in your area that run marketing courses?

I know losing that client probably feels worse because you're not feeling great about other things right now, but you can bounce back from it honey.

Sorry I cant be of more help :hugs:

Jo xxxxx