View Full Version : new issue

18-02-08, 15:19
Ok so I have had panic that is going away but still have anxiety issues daily although I am controlling them fairly well. Went through some serious crying spells wich are very rare for me. Though I was crazy and losing my mind. Went to the doctor and had blood taken. Ready for the punchline....I am premenopausal. OMG. Whats a woman to do now. My hormones are crazy at least not me so there is hope for me, but 5 years of this??? Thank God there is medicine that will help, but have mercy. It explains alot.:roflmao: :roflmao:

18-02-08, 16:05
Aww hun, well I'm glad there was an explanation at least!!

At least you can get medicine for it and hopefully it will take the edge of it :)

Jo xxxxx

18-02-08, 19:18
I have so often though I was too – so much so that at the age of 39 (GP says ‘too young’) I asked If I was menopausal – so bloods taken and no - but almost wish I was for then I could explain away some of the symptoms. At least you have some treatments available to you HRT etc….The treatments may lift your mood instantly – have you discussed these with you doctor

18-02-08, 21:38
I am only 38 if you can believe that. My next appt. is Thursday so we will see what will happen next. I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

19-02-08, 14:25
Hi there,

I have read that hormones can play a big part in triggering some peoples first pa and I know that every other one after that is fear of another.

For me, this was not the case, I have other reasons for my first pa, but have made big progress since finding this great site, many moons ago LOL

I do feel though that now, my hormones are kicking in, mainly because, crying, for what seems like nooo reason, ohh boy, I did this when in the middle of about 20 thousand people in a concert, LOL, not funny really, but feel it has something to do with menapause. Mine only comes on when I'm due on, (well I think it does, still monitaring it ) I am 43 years young LOL, so its possible, hormone change, just playing the waiting game myself. I can deal it at the mo.

I do hope you can get things sorted, there IS ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel.

YOU TAKE CARE, let us know how things go.