View Full Version : wats changed

18-02-08, 21:57
:scared15: :scared15: :scared15: this is worrying me a bit ,when i first got panic attacks/anx 3 years ago my symptoms were dizzyness,headaches,depersonilsation, then i got better,but since my anx has cum back after christmas my symptoms are weird heart things ,sweating,chest pain,stomach trouble,neusea....is this normal that they have all changed or could i actually have something wrong with me now xx

18-02-08, 22:29
sounds like anxiety/panic hun.they are definetly the symptoms of it.

bet x

18-02-08, 22:35
im really worried about the sweating really its my armpits always sweat even if i dnt feel hot,im really worried its got something to do with my heart,thank u anyway xx

19-02-08, 01:20
Sounds like anxiety to me, sometimes I think I get a different symptom with every panic attack, it makes me wonder if the symptoms will ever run out.

Good luck


19-02-08, 08:56
hi hun, are you on an antidepressant?? these can cause excess sweating!! even when its cold!! plus tummy trouble.. plus these are just anxiety symptoms too so dont worry chux, it has many annoying symptoms! xx

19-02-08, 09:09
hi sweating def due to anx i get it bad even when i feel cold my arm pits r wet ! i wear black all the time now as wet patches not so noticeable . good luck x

19-02-08, 09:50
sounds like anxiety to me but if you are worried it could be something else go and get yourself checked out at least it will help put your mind at rest and you can get some help for the anxiety.
Take care

19-02-08, 09:53
Hanna hun please try not to worry, I'm pretty sure these are definitely symptoms of anxiety. I too get sweaty even when I'm freezing cold, and I noticed it much more when my ex split up with me and when I have to leave the house for a long time.
I also first found out I had anxiety through stomach trouble and very long term nausea (I felt so sick for 4 months that I barely left the house). The best way to control it is simply to try and calm yourself down and acknowledge that you feel ill only because of anxiety. Ginger beer/homemade ginger tea will help with the nausea, but just don't get as attached to it as me!!
Good luck hun, don't forget to come back to talk if you're still feeling worried

19-02-08, 10:09
hi they definetly sounds like anxiety my hands used to sweat 2 tc xxxxx

19-02-08, 19:38
there is a direct link between sweating and anxiety. when i'm at the peak of anxiety, i will sweat so much it's embarassing. and not just my armpits, my hands and feet will be absolutely drenched. the nausea, chest pains, etc are all, most likely, related to the anxiety.