View Full Version : Help me please - if not I will lose it all

18-02-08, 23:47
Hi all !

I'm really struggling to keep it all together! I have 2 children wno I adore, I am about 2 lose my job. I hope that I can be there for my children! Ifeel so ill, I

I;ve been physical and mentally abused for 3yrs. Police helped me to get away - is there an end one day????

Please help me !!!!!!

19-02-08, 01:58
hi there hugs for you and plz feel free to pm me anytime to chat
i willl help all that i can do

love and hugs

lea xx

19-02-08, 02:47
Thanks Lea.

I am so frightened, I don't know if I can hold it together, I am so concerned about the future - do I and the children really have one?? I shake the moment I awake until I know we're all safe, I cannot control my fear and I hate myself for being so frightened !! :weep: :weep: :weep: Please anyone who reads this - give me help please !!! xxxx

19-02-08, 06:33
hi there yes you do have a future and so do the kids, and dont hate yourself for bn frightened as it is normal given what you have bn through, i have replied to your email

contact me again if you wish too and if you have msn or yahoo we can talk there too

hugs and love

lea xx

19-02-08, 12:05
Hi there,not sure what is happening here hun.but if this is domestic violence then there are places you can go and take your children where you will be safe..refuges and hostels specifically for this purpose..have you considered this hun??:hugs: :hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-02-08, 12:46
Hi Suzy,

Sorry to hear about your troubles.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You can and will come through them!
Believe in yourself!
Have you access to Women's Aid or another support group?
Have you a solicitor?
Your local Citizen's Advice will help you form a plan to tackle all these issues.
Best wishes,

19-02-08, 13:04
Hi Suzy,

I am soo sorry to hear what you have gone though and what you are going through now, my heart goes out to you.

Please hun, don't be to hard on yourself, anyone who has been through what you have been through would feel the same. What sort of support are you getting now? are you getting any at all? As others have said, there IS support out there, but you have to go in search for it yourself, ask your GP if he/she can point you in the right direction or as chalky said citizens advice.

YOU AND YOUR KIDS have a future, its waiting there for you hun, but are futures have to be planed for, sometimes we need help and support to help us find a happier future. I don't know whats gone on, but today is the begining of the rest of your life take it slow, make small progress, focus your mind on getting that support, pick up the phone and ring, gp or citizens advice, THERE IS help out there,YOU CAN do this, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Your children have a warn and loving mum, whos just lost her way for awhile, BUT she WILL find the path to a safer and brighter future.

Please keep posting and venting hun,



19-02-08, 13:11
Suzie, as others have said not quite sure whats occuring. Feel free to expand it might help with what advice we can offer.

However, all I can say for now is take small steps and primarily you and your children are paramount therefore nothing else matters!
I'm sure if you talk to the right people you can get the right advice, we can only offer support because you've not told us the problem but thats up to you, when you are ready to of course.

TC x