View Full Version : Is it anxiety

19-02-08, 11:27
Well I have to make a road trip in two days. I will be on the road for 10 hours and I am going to be really far away from my "safe zone". I have a terrible pain in my lower right side. Do you think it is apendix? Or most likely anxiety? It is not always there but comes and goes. I feel I am right on the edge of panic already. I have to make this trip. I just feel I am gonna end up in a hospital somewhere

19-02-08, 12:29
Snuggles I used to get like this to.It sounds more like anxiety.I used to think it was my appendix,even used to keep a bag packed in case I got rushed to hospital, that was 23 years ago and I still get the pains and still havent been rushed to hospital.!!!!!

Are you a passenger in the car?When I get anxious in the car I take a game boy to keep me occupied,or a relaxation cd with head phones.Anything to keep the mind occupied.make sure you have lots of stops,to get some fresh air.:hugs:

19-02-08, 12:36
Hi Snuggles,

Sounds just like anxiety,as Yorky has said.
Can you play "mind games" with yourself?
Your "safe-zone" can be anywhere in the world if you are focused.
Breaking out of the cycle of anxious thinking can be very daunting.
Focusing on the positive aspects of this trip-which I assume is important- will help.Having plenty of things to distract you-music,books,Self-help CDs can all work for you if you work them.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Have a safe trip.
Best wishes,

19-02-08, 13:39
Hi snuggles,

I had this well before I suffered with pa's, high anxiety, your thread reminded me of it, mm not had this in a long time, so thinking about it, ohh it must have been anxiety related or trapped wind or something, all retaled to anxiety. Soo, yes it IS possible its anxiety, Mrs anxiety is playing her negative game with you.

We all have what we call safe zones, the place, places we feel safe or a person we feel safe with, hun, but we have to learn to feel safe with ourselves, now this is dame hard to do, but its like Calkey said, CAN YOU PLAY MIND GAMES, anxiety is playing negative mind games with you, sooo play positive mind games back.


negative anxiety, I have to make this trip, ohhh noo, wrong thinking.

positive thinking, I am making this trip because I want to, I am going to be doing??????? make sure your thinking is positive, I will stop on the way and have a nice meal, always use positive thinking.

negative anxiety, I feel I'm right on the edge of panic, mmm, I was told to label my panic, anxiety, 10 being full blown panic 1 being normal and everything in between levels of anxiety, depending on how you feel. Just becasue you feel anxiety this DOES NOT always lead to panic, allow yourself to feel something, don't be to hard on yourself.. take the importance away from how you feel.

Positive thinking, ok, I feel a little anxiety, ohh its only level mmm, not sure how you would label it but I found if I take the importance away from it and instead of telling myself I was on the edge of panic, I would tell myself it was a lower level of anxiety and be sooooo pround of myself, give myself lots of self praise and big pat on the back.

Anaxiety thinking, I feel I'm goona end up in hospital,

positive thinking, ohh come on Mrs A, you can do better than that, in hospital somewhere, oh thats a laugh I could do with the rest. I know that this thinking may seem harsh, but laughing on how we feel helps the levels of anxiety come down a little and lets the more positive thoughts come through easer, do you know what I mean?

You have the most powefull tool with you to prevent panic, its with you all the time, you take it everywhere with you AND THATS YOUR OWN MIND.

Hun, you say the pain comes and goes, when its not there, is this a time when you are distracted? your sooo distracted you don't even notice it?

Remember, YOU ARE your safe Zone,

Let us know how your trip goes,

YOU take care


19-02-08, 14:31
What I like to do on these long road trips ...(Drove Toronto to Thunder Bay - 16 hours - a few times on business over the last few years)...make sure I have my CD collection along with all of my favorite tunes that bring back good memories and that I can sing along to....take a lot of breaks to stretch etc. (as a full bladder will make you feel more anxious)...I know sometimes the miles and miles of looking at the same trees and rocks can be mind numbing and can cause the anxiety to well up ...but pulling to the side when feeling that way and literally stoping to smell the flowers and focus on the present moment and all of the little things going on that you can hear, smell, and see helps refocus for starting back out again.


19-02-08, 17:21
I have this very problem at the moment, a pain that feels like a cross between a stitch and a bruise which comes and goes. I have just had an ultrasound to find out what it was and they found nothing so I have to put it down to another one of my anxiety pains.
best wishes


19-02-08, 17:44

Sounds like 'IBS' to me i had a bout of it last year, its caused by anxiety. Try & eat more fibre, drink more water, no spicy food, cut down on the bevies if you drink.

19-02-08, 19:32
I'm sure it is anxiety related. My cousin had his appendix removed around Christmas time. He was so sick and in so much pain he couldn't even stand up straight. He ended up going to the emergency room, having a quick surgery and was home within a few days. It wasn't a big deal. He was totally fine. I'm telling you this because, let's say it is your appendix, first of all you would be really sick. So sick that you probably won't even feel up to posting on NMP! Secondly, having your appendix removed is not the worst thing in the world that could happen. You will be fine! Go on the trip and try to enjoy yourself. Auto books are a great way to pass the time in a car!