View Full Version : Nightmares !!

19-02-08, 12:03
Hey all..
Im new to this forum and i suffers of panic anxiety and depression, since 2006.

Atm. i have these realistic nightmares and dreams. Itīs the only think i can think at when im awake. im scared to going to bed at night :weep:
All my thoughs goes on: Am i going insane ???

Can any regonize this and is it normal when you suffers of anxiety and depression ?

Casper :)

19-02-08, 12:09
Hi Casper and wecome :hugs: you will find so much support here ,ad understanding too:flowers: I too have awful nightmares so vivid and so realistic i get confused with what is real for a while:lac: I think it ia all part of the anxiety and can come from keeping all the worry locked up inside ..well now you dont have too as you can share your concerns with us on here:D Dont forget to read thry first steps and symptoms to Casper,you will find it very reassuring.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-02-08, 12:16
Hey Paddie and thanx for the great and fast response :)

But is it a typical "symptom" of axiety ?

19-02-08, 13:26
hi i always have weird n scary dreams bout ppl dying,being murderd or getting ill,i also have them were i get kidnapped or get chased by serial killers,i have a dream book were u can look up the meaning of ur dreams,xx ur definatly not going mad xx

19-02-08, 13:29
Hi Casper, yes nightmares are due to anxiety used to get them every night. Are you on any medication as this helped me to sleep and no longer get bad dreams.:yesyes:

19-02-08, 13:42
Yes i take 150 mg. zoloft at day. But that dosnt make me tired ;)

19-02-08, 16:12
I take 100mgs of Zoloft and I sleep really well, not sure if a change of meds would help you.:unsure: Have you told your doctor about this?

19-02-08, 16:24
how long have you been on zoloft and have you noticed any connection


19-02-08, 16:43
:) hi, i cant comment on the meds issue as im not on any, but my dreams are very vivid and i have alot of them. i read this last year that they are a symptom of depression because of all the ruminating (going over and over things trying to work them out) and this made sense to me. i didnt know i was depressed but i could then see that as in the past my anx being very high quickly brings on depression. but id forgot this plus also i couldnt get any perspective on wha ti was going through. so i dont know if this is the same for you, but it seems that it is part of the whole anxiety disorders/depression situation. take care emma:flowers:

21-02-08, 19:58
ive been on zoloft for 1 ½ year :S

27-02-08, 23:57
i hate nightmares lol they are the only thing i havent been able to get rid of, i used to get sleep paralysis but only now i get it when im at my worst

28-02-08, 07:46
Hi, I have noticed the higher my anxiety the more intense the dreams, last night I dreamt about really scary things, and they seemed to happen all night from the second I closed my eyes, I feel now that I have hardly slept at all.

Although hard to do I know they are only thoughts with pictures, don't dwell on them, once you wake up try and forget about them.

When your anxiety level lowers I'm sure they will too, mine always do.

Can't comment on meds as I don't take any.

Christine xx :flowers:

28-02-08, 15:17
my meds give me the maddest dreams