View Full Version : new to this

19-02-08, 15:09
I'm new to this but find it really helpful. I've had anxiety problems and depression for a number of years and have been on and off medication but i've got a damaged nerve in my head which causes the pain to get worse with ad's. Any ideas from anyone would be helpful.

I'm getting married in 5 weeks and feel like the mask is coming off. i can often pass for someone who is very confident and with it but inside i'm in a constant battle with my thoughts and feelings. I definitely do the 'what if' and how do i really feel about her and what if we don't get on etc its driving me mad. trying citaopram at the mo. Been on 10 mg for five weeks but not feeling any benefit yet. Anxiety has been worse in some parts. Any feedback would be greatly received!!

19-02-08, 15:36
HI frank

Welcome to the site:welcome:

Have you taken a look at the forum on citalopram? under medication.... you will find alot of useful info on there!!

I hope this site helps

19-02-08, 17:09
hiya frank :welcome: to nmp its great you have you here :yesyes:. anxiety is very good at putting negative thoughts in your head, i know this is not easy but please try to dimis them as best you can. your meds can take a few wks more to start kicking in so please bear with them. you will get lots of support and good advice from all the great members here. congrats on your forth coming wedding and hope to talk to you in the chat room sometime. take care :hugs: :hugs:


19-02-08, 17:11
Hello frank:welcome: to you!

Yep, sometimes the anx does get a bit worse before it gets better on Citalopram - that was my experience anyway, and I know others experienced the same. Give it a bit more time - 5 weeks isn't long to be looking for significant benefits yet - although for some it can be.

I'm a bit like you - so together on the outside sometimes but a quivering banshee on the inside! Trick is to let the outside in and the inside out, if you see what i mean! Hard work, and not easy, but it can be done - mainly through just re-training your thought patterns.

I'd bet any amount of money that anyone contemplating getting married would be feeling as you do at the moment - it's perfectly normal!

pleased to meet you!


19-02-08, 17:23
Hi Frank and welcome to NMP you will find lots of help and support here and planty of usefull tips, hope to see you around some time and very best wishes for the wedding

Emma xx

19-02-08, 17:23
Hi Frank

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment.. I am new to the site too and everyone has been very helpful.

I am also on Citalopram (20mg) I started on 10 but I found after ten days I felt worse, my GP increased the amount to 20mg and after around 2 weeks I can say I do feel a little clearer in my mind. Although the anxiety and panic still remains I do feel as though I can at least put my thoughts in some kind of order. I hope that you understand what I mean.

Go back to your GP and discuss how you feel, if you are able to.

Good luck Frank

19-02-08, 18:28
Hi Frank
I agree with Ellevie. I think you should speak to your doctor about upping your dose to 20mg. Thats what i started on. 10mg is a low dose.
You still have plenty of time before the wedding to get used to it if you have any side effects. Ive been on it for about 7 weeks and feel much better.
Good luck
Donna x

19-02-08, 19:31
Hi Frank!!!

Welcome to NMP!!! :) :) :)

You will tons of advice and support here!

Hope to speak to you soon,

Wolfie xx

19-02-08, 19:43
Hi Frank

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

19-02-08, 22:16
Hi Frank and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Have you tried counselling before? If medication causes you problems it could be a good alternative. Cognative behavioural therapy is something that is very common and helps you to retrain your thoughts.

Take care,

Mike :)

19-02-08, 23:19
Hi Frank,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

20-02-08, 13:00
Hi Frank,

Welcome to the site. First of all congratulations on getting married soon. I know when I was about to get married many moons ago I was a nervous wreck so that could be why your anxiety levels are higher right now. I would also give the meds a little bit longer to kick in. I also had to try many different meds until I found the perfect one for me, many of them gave me migraines.

You will find many here that feel the same way you do and will get great support. Again, welcome and congrats.



20-02-08, 13:59

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xxx

22-02-08, 22:01
Hi Frank

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

25-02-08, 12:39
thanks for all your messages. Been put up to 20 mg on citalopram now so hopefully that will work

25-02-08, 16:30
Hello Frank And Welcome ....i Wish Ya Well................linda